Volume 8

Water-Saving Dyeing Process: A Sustainable Approach for Exhaust Dyeing of Cotton Fabric
Md. Reza-Ul-Hoque, M. Abdul Jalil, Shahin Hossain and Ayub Nabi Khan

Email: abduljalil@buft.edu.bd

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The global demand for water onservation and sustainability in textile anufacturing is imperative in addressing the scarcity of fresh water and environmental pollution. This study introduces an innovative water-saving process for exhaust dyeing of cotton fabrics with reactive dyes, without compromising the dyeing quality or requiring extra investments. Traditional textile dyeing practices consume approximately 120 liters of fresh water per kilogram of cotton fabric, contributing to environmental degradation. In this research, a process modification is proposed that recycles water used for neutralization and rinsing at the second step of the dyeing process. This recycled water is utilized in the fourth step, effectively reducing the total water consumption to 104 liters per kilogram of fabric, thus saving 16 liters per kilogram without any additional investment. The dyed fabrics produced using this water-saving process exhibit excellent colorfastness, matching the quality of conventionally dyed textiles. The color fastness to light, washing, rubbing, and perspiration meets international standards. CMC tests indicate no significant differences compared to the existing dyeing process. Implementing this eco-friendly approach can not only significantly reduce water consumption and wastewater generation but also diminish the need for costly water treatment and effluent management facilities. This research paves the way for cleaner production in the textile industry, promoting water conservation, reducing environmental pollution, and minimizing production costs.

Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial study of some 1, 3, 4- thiadiazole ring appended azo derivatives
Sanjay Belowar and Md. Abdur Rashid

Email: sanjay.belowar@buft.edu.bd

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A series of 1,3,4-thiadiazole ring appended azo derivatives were synthesized in good yields via diazo coupling reaction between 5-(4-substituted)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-amine and some active methyline compounds such as dimedone and acetylacetone. All the synthesized compoundswere characterized by FT-IR and 1HNMR spectroscopic methods. Further, all synthesized compounds were screened for the antibacterial activity against gram negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aruginosa, Shigella boydii) and gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus megaterium). The thiadiazole ring appended azo derivative containing a chloro group showed potent activity against Shigella boydii (67.85%) and Staphylococcus aureus (78.57%) and the compound having a nitro group in its structure exhibited maximum zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus aureus (89.28%) and Shigella boydii (82.14%)

Supply Water Quality Assessment in the Sirajganj Municipality, Sirajganj, Bangladesh
Alok Kumar Das and Biddut Chandra Sarker

Email: alok.esrm@gmail.com

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In many developing countries, such as Bangladesh, water quality and the risk of waterrelated diseases are serious public health concerns. The present study's goal was to ascertain the water supply quality and to characterize and analyze its suitability for drinking purposes in the municipal area of Sirajganj Town, Bangladesh. Fifteen water samples were randomly collected from different municipal wards and analyzed for various physicochemical properties, including hydrogen ion concentration (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), dissolved oxygen (DO), acidity, total alkalinity (TA), total hardness (TH), arsenic (As), and iron (Fe) concentrations. The results were compared with the Environmental Conservation Rules (ECR) and World Health Organization (WHO) recommended standards. All the physicochemical parameters were found to be within the prescribed permissible limits. The pH values, which ranged from 6.61 to 7.73, were neutral to slightly alkaline. The TH value varied from 204 to 284 mg/L, indicating that the supply water type was hard. Hence, it was suggested that the local water treatment plant should soften the water supply before consumption. In the case of DO and Fe, the DO values varied from 2.0 to 3.9 mg/L, which were far below the levels prescribed by the ECR recommended standards. Fe concentration in some areas exceeded the WHO recommended standards, probably due to the corrosion of old metal pipelines and improper treatment of groundwater before distribution in the supply network. The existing water supply in Sirajganj Municipality was at a satisfactory level, but weaknesses in the current water supply management system were identified, and there was a continuous lack of service provisions. Suggested measures include consistently monitoring water distribution networks, promptly repairing and maintaining overhead and service tanks, establishing database management systems, regulating private investment, adopting advanced technology, ensuring provisions for staff training, and implementing a rights-based approach in water supply production

Influence of alkali treatment on the physical properties of jute fibre
Ranajit Kumar Nag, Andy Long and Michael J Clifford

Email: nag.ranajit@buft.edu.bd

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It is well known that jute is a ligno-cellulosic fibre and it contains nearly 65% cellulose. Second and third major component of jute fibre are hemicellulose and lignin (around 12%each). Lignin is a natural adhesive and essential component of jute fibre. Jute fibre cell is very small in length (2.5-4 mm) which is called ‘jute ultimate’ and the fibre length is similarto the plant length. Lignin joins ultimates to form long jute fibre. Thus without lignin jute fibre loses textile properties. However cellulose possess superior physical properties than that of hemicellulose and lignin and hence researchers are trying to reduce hemicellulose and lignin to increase cellulose portion that would increase the physical properties of jute. Alkali treatment is a popular process to reduce those components. Realizing the fact, the influenceof alkali treatment with and without tension is studied in this work to understand the effect on the physical properties of jute fibre.

A Novel Approach of 3D Based Pattern Making Block by Analyzing Positional Deviation of Draping and Drafting Method
Md. Tanjibul Hasan Sajib, Md. Moniruzzaman, Afroza Akter Rita, Kamrun Nahar Naznin, Md. Eanamul Haque Nizam, Ovijit Paul

Email: moniruzzamanrasel@buft.edu.bd

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As 3D-based pattern making and onscreen fit evaluation is the neoteric way of garment production which allows constructing 2D (drafting) and 3D (draping) based pattern making simultaneously. This study approaches to evaluate the deviation of major checkpoints of the upper body which have been made of conventional pattern-making methods and proposes a new Block for the Female Upper Torso. This study is carried out on a physical and virtual mannequin of equal size with identical physical properties and body dimensions. Basic Bodice blocks are developed using “Metric pattern cutting” and “The art of fashion draping” methods for Pattern Drafting and Pattern Draping respectively. Positional deviations of major checkpoints are evaluated through comparative analysis. Logical decisions are made to construct new Pattern Blocks (Back, Front & Sleeve) where both Draping and Drafting methods are justified through physical and virtual fit evaluation where CLO 3D software is used. After fit evaluation by 10 Fashion educators, it is observed that the “Metric pattern cutting” Method poses more ease allowance than “The Art of Fashion Draping'' Method. The other observation of Shoulder Length, Shoulder Slope, Armhole Depth, Neck Girth, Bust Girth, Dart Placement, and Dart intake also deviated. Average values and average positions between these two systems show a better fit to generate a New Block

Forecast of Apparel Export for Year 2025
Faruk Ahmed, Shahnewaz Rahman, Meahidy Hasan Sagor, Nazmus Sakib and Tamjid Haider Bhuiyan

Email: faruk@buft.edu.bd

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Bangladesh's Ready-Made Garment Industry (RMG) holds a larger foreign exchange market share and has emerged as a potential financial player in the national economy. This industry earns around 84% of Bangladesh’s overall export and employs nearly 4.22 million workers.Bangladesh is currently the second-largest apparel exporter in the world after China. However, COVID-19, known as a pandemic, has recently been impacting the global economy. The RMG sector of Bangladesh was significantly affected by this phenomenon.Nonetheless, after the pandemic situation, RMG exports get a boost. The purpose of this article is to prepare a statistical database with information related to RMG to enhance the bright future of this sector and to forecast the total RMG export for 2025. In this study, data of previous RMG export is collected from the BGMEA website and forecasting is done withthe linear regression method. The study shows that in 2025 RMG export will be nearly $70 billion. These results will help the stakeholders to take their due actions to meet the target.

Estimation of Standard Minute Value of blazer Production Process by work study for well-balanced assembly line
Md. Ariful Ferdous, Md. Rafiqul Islam Manik and Md. Ashfaqur Rahman

Email: ariful.ferdous@buft.edu.bd

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This article presents a study on the estimation of the Standard Minute Value (SMV) of the blazer production process through work study for a well-balanced assembly line. The objective of the study was to optimize the production process by identifying inefficiencies, reducing the SMV, and optimizing the required manpower. Data were collected through time and motion studies and process analysis in a garment factory. The initial SMV for blazer production was determined to be 76.30 minutes. Through the implementation of work study and line balancing techniques, the SMV was successfully reduced to 73.15 minutes. Additionally, the manpower required for the assembly line was reduced from 139 workers to 136, leading to improved productivity and cost savings. The results show how work study and line balancing may be used to optimize the blazer manufacturing process. The study underlines the need of putting lean manufacturing ideas into practice to reduce waste and boost productivity. Employee engagement and motivation were increased by involving them in the line balancing process, which was essential for obtaining good results. This research contributes on work study and line balancing in the garment industry. The findings provide practical insights for garment manufacturers seeking to optimize their production processes. By implementing the recommended approaches, companies can reduce SMV, optimize manpower requirements, and improve competitiveness. This research enhances our comprehension of work study and line balancing within the apparel industry. The results provide garment manufacturers with valuable insights to streamline their production processes. Through the adoption of recommended strategies, companies can lower Standard Minute Values (SMV), fine-tune workforce requirements, and improve their competitive edge