Estimation of Standard Minute Value of blazer Production Process by work study for well-balanced assembly line
Md. Ariful Ferdous, Md. Rafiqul Islam Manik and Md. Ashfaqur Rahman


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This article presents a study on the estimation of the Standard Minute Value (SMV) of the blazer production process through work study for a well-balanced assembly line. The objective of the study was to optimize the production process by identifying inefficiencies, reducing the SMV, and optimizing the required manpower. Data were collected through time and motion studies and process analysis in a garment factory. The initial SMV for blazer production was determined to be 76.30 minutes. Through the implementation of work study and line balancing techniques, the SMV was successfully reduced to 73.15 minutes. Additionally, the manpower required for the assembly line was reduced from 139 workers to 136, leading to improved productivity and cost savings. The results show how work study and line balancing may be used to optimize the blazer manufacturing process. The study underlines the need of putting lean manufacturing ideas into practice to reduce waste and boost productivity. Employee engagement and motivation were increased by involving them in the line balancing process, which was essential for obtaining good results. This research contributes on work study and line balancing in the garment industry. The findings provide practical insights for garment manufacturers seeking to optimize their production processes. By implementing the recommended approaches, companies can reduce SMV, optimize manpower requirements, and improve competitiveness. This research enhances our comprehension of work study and line balancing within the apparel industry. The results provide garment manufacturers with valuable insights to streamline their production processes. Through the adoption of recommended strategies, companies can lower Standard Minute Values (SMV), fine-tune workforce requirements, and improve their competitive edge