Welcome to the
Department of Environmental Science (ES)
The sphere of environment starts from the very conception till the death of any living being. There is also a simultaneous and continuous interaction between the biota and the major non-living components of the environment. When the interaction becomes sound, the sustainability, for which the world scientific community and policy makers are now struggling, becomes ensured. We need to do so, since there is no alternative to cope with the natural resource limit in the face of the already huge population base. To make it worse, the population is still growing and per capita resource consumption is also increasing. As a result, total environmental impact is on rise by the combined effect of total population and environmental impact per person. This process is not sustainable by any means.
Fortunately, Environmental Education in general and Environmental Science and Environmental Management in particular, have opened a new horizon of dealing with the challenge of protecting the environment. Whereas theory and practice of Environmental Management are quite broad, Environmental Science is ought to be the foundation of both Environmental Education and Environmental Management since, without knowing the science of environmental changes, Environmental Management cannot be founded on a sound footing. This is more so because the richness and robustness of Environmental Science lies in the fact that it is a meeting point of several scientific disciplines.
The world is currently in an environmental mess. In Bangladesh, where this mess is even more apparent, environmental education has been largely ignored so far. Gaining sound knowledge of environmental education is an urgent need. A large contingent of graduates with environmental education is essential for staffing of government ministries, departments and agencies; private sector factories, enterprises and business houses; institutions and organizations. For example, government needs capable professionals to scrutinize the existing set of environmental policies in light of their access to accumulated global stock of knowledge; and to formulate, implement and enforce each and every piece of policy measure by inspecting and monitoring them.
Program of Study
The department functions under the umbrella of Faculty of Sciences of BUFT offers one undergraduate program leading to Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree.
B.Sc. in Environmental Science (Code: 000)
The B.Sc. in Environmental Science program at BUFT helps students to systematically understand the origin, evolution and future development of the earth environment. Students learn how to solve problems relevant to environment pollution, environmental protection and sustainable development from biological, ecological, chemical and management perspectives. In the current circumstance, when environment is changing rapidly, the importance and relevancy of the subject has also increased.
Profile of the program
- Name of the Degree: Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, abbreviated as B.Sc. in ES.
- Language of Instruction: English
- Number of credits: 135
- Courses Start: Spring (January) & Fall (July) each year
- Standard time to attain the Degree: Four years (eight semesters, six months each)
- Minimum grade to attain the Degree: 2.50 in a scale of 4.00
Subjects from the fields of fundamentals in ecology, environment chemistry and biology, geomorphology and geographic information system, soils and sustainable water resources, management and remediation of pollution sites, environment management and environment impact assessment, causes and responses to climate change and other global environmental issues, ocean, forest and river ecosystems and their interaction with human activities set the key accents in this program.