To ensure excellence in quality assurance instruments in higher education and Industry-Institute Linkages.
To coordinate, evaluate and compliance in Quality Assurance in teaching/learning, research and support services, consultancies aimed at achieving the goals of the University.
General Objective
To promote a quality culture within the university so that the university and the programs can meet the requirements of external quality assurance agencies for accreditation.
Specific objectives
The specific objectives of IQAC are listed as follows:
- Reviewing vision, mission, existing policies and procedures of BUFT.
- Strengthening capacity for effective governance, teaching learning, research and community services.
- Updating curriculum from traditional content-based education system to outcome-based education system.
- Institutionalizing quality assurance processes and practices.
- Conducting self-assessment at program level.
- Organizing training, workshops, seminars on quality assurance for faculty members.
- Introducing interactive teaching methodology within the university.
- Building up a teacher-student friendly environment within the university.
- Developing and continuously updating the quality assurance manual tools and documents.
Super Goal
To meet the criteria of proposed National Qualification Framework, get National and International Accreditation and benchmarking with the best universities in the world.
- Review of existing procedures and made known to the stakeholders
- Prepare check lists of procedures used in the performance evaluation
- Conduct bi-annual evaluation of the university strategic plan
- Carry out quality audits
- Conduct self-assessment programs that have completed their cycle
- Keep stakeholders: staff and students well informed of evaluation results, efforts made and recommendations
- Process re-engineering mapping with best processes
Anticipated Outcomes
- IQAC would facilitate reviewing of quality standards and quality of teaching-learning in each program at BUFT. In other words, BUFT will be have a highly functional and sustainable quality enhancing teaching, research and publication environment.
- IQAC would facilitate developing qualifications framework for each program at BUFT through providing better service to its students, teaching staff and non-academic staffs in terms of advising, proper use of office hours and counselling of them all as and when necessary.
- IQAC would facilitate to establish a congenial atmosphere for inter and intra departmental academics.
- IQAC would facilitate developing the quality assurance processes and methods of self-evaluation adopted by BUFT. In other words, it would introduce self-assessment framework at departmental level to improve the quality of teaching, research and publication.
- IQAC would facilitate BUFT to introduce an environment for students to become professionals through research, seminars, workshops, training and publication.
- IQAC would facilitate students to attain leadership skills during their period of study at BUFT.
- IQAC culture would foster excellent human qualities in the students of BUFT.
- IQAC Operations Manual 2014.pdf
- IQAC Fund Operations Manual.pdf
- IQAC Operations Manual.pdf
- Self-Assessment Manual 2016 Second Edition.pdf
- Self-Assessment Forms (Generalized Survey).doc
- Self-Assessment Survey Tools.doc
- Instruction Manual: Research Methodology Volume I.pdf
- Instruction Manual: Research Methodology Volume I.pdf
- Tips for Writing Learning Outcomes.pdf