Apparel Manufacturing And Technology Banner

Department of
Apparel Manufacturing & Technology (AMT)


The long-standing trend of producing apparels and textiles in Bangladesh or, accordingly, of selling apparels and textiles abroad has resulted in apparel manufacturing industries and their allied textile industries having an ever greater demand for graduates who possess the interfacial skills and competencies needed for efficient management.

After independence in 1971, rebuilding Bangladesh, the war-ravaged country, with limited resources appeared to be the biggest challenge. The scenario was aggravated by a huge pressure from the unskilled workforce. Human Resource was one of the potential sectors that could bring a positive change. A holistic change was the only need to explore the immense hidden opportunities in earning sectors like agriculture, foreign remittance, tourism, IT and Ready-made Garments (RMG). With its 83% of total export earnings of the country, RMG has now become the largest foreign exchange earner as well as the largest employer in the country. Apart from 4 million direct employments in RMG in Bangladesh, this industry has employed more than 10 million Bangladeshi workers in its whole value chain. The ‘Made in Bangladesh’ tag has brought glory for the country, making it a prestigious brand across the globe. This has resulted in apparel, textile and fashion sectors having a growing demand for graduates, experts, technologists and engineers who possess the interfacial skills and competencies needed for efficient management and currently this is being met by hiring foreign nationals.

Keeping this high demand of experts and skilled workforce in mind, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology visualized the need and introduced a department, Department of Apparel Manufacturing & Technology which offers an undergraduate program that develops in the students the ability to make intelligent business like decisions with prudence. The department focuses on strengthening of key technological functions of apparel industries and understanding of industrial engineering and ergonomic techniques. The emphasis is on production planning, control and operation management and quality management practices applicable in the apparel industries.

The department maintains continuous interactions with the industries and visits to leading manufacturing units which not only creates an enriching learning environment for the students but also widen the horizons of their experience. The graduates are equipped with competent technical knowledge, thereby making them able to anticipate and address the concerns and issues of the emerging manufacturing principles.

Vision of the Department

To evolve into a globally integrated technical department contributing towards technical education, technical consultancy, research, leadership and corporate excellence.

Mission of the Department

  • M 1: The essence of the Department of Apparel Manufacturing & Technology is to constantly strive to provide an in-depth knowledge to its students so that they add value to the existing treasures of apparel manufacturing technology concepts.

  • M 2: Promote lateral thinking and a spirit of enquiry among its students so that they look from a different angle through a creative approach by which they are able to provide simple solutions to complex technical problems in apparel manufacturing and allied textile sectors.

  • M 3: To deliver through its teaching-learning process the richness of apparel manufacturing technology and multidisciplinary knowledge in a way where ethics and social commitments will be the cornerstone for its students.

Career Pathways

Career pathways for graduates on Bachelor of Science in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology program are Teaching, Merchandiser, Supply Chain Manager, Factory Manager, Production Manager, R&D Manager, Planning Manager, Country Manager, Washing Manager, Entrepreneurs, Apparel Technician, Product Developer, Sample Developer, Garment Technologist, Pattern Master, Quality Controller, Welfare Officer, Wash Technician, etc.

Knowledge and skill in knitwear manufacturing, fashion design, textile engineering along with the learning from interdisciplinary minors and the general electives chosen, shall further increase the scope of becoming a multifaceted professional in various segments of apparel, textile and fashion industries.

Program of Study

Students who opt for the Bachelor of Science in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology program as their field of study can specialize in the study area of apparel product development, construction and in apparel business management. Studies in apparel products development focus on cotton, cotton-manmade blended and synthetic products such as menswear, womenswear, childrenwear, sportwear, etc. Students acquire comprehensive insights and skills in all fields of apparel construction, such as prototype/true size pattern design, style construction, marker making, spreading and cutting, assembling, finishing and correct fit. Courses in apparel production and operations management, compliance and sustainability management, pollution, energy conservation, water saving, reducing, recycling & reusing, circular economy, ergonomics and employee safety management, with a particular focus on the garment processing and care, marketing and merchandizing, supply chain management, apparel design and development, apparel quality management, people management, coordinating with others, emotional intelligence, interpersonal team-building skills, ability to instruct, etc. prepare students ideally for executive management positions in the fields of apparel products design, apparel products manufacturing and apparel business management.

The program trains young technologists and professionals for the highly diverse and versatile range of technical and business administration tasks in the apparel industry. Studies also focus on specialized fields of apparel manufacturing production techniques and processes. This knowledge is complemented by offering extended studies in the fields of science, English communication and business administration. Special focus is given on students’ communication skills such as public speaking, writing, listening, presentation, emails, telephonic conversations and meetings. A knowledge of quality management, economics and financial management and specialized IT systems such as ERP rounds off the students' skills and competencies.

The program consists of eight academic semesters and a total of 145 credits. Each semester is subdivided into modules from the fields of: Majors, Deepening Specializations, Interdisciplinary Minors and General Electives. Academic Majors are the academic disciplines or program related courses which the undergraduate students formally complete. Students are given the opportunity to deepen their understanding of a part of their core majors through a Deepening Specialization, which gives them a further edge in specific industries. Interdisciplinary Minors provide individuated pathways that would permit students to acquire interdisciplinary skillsets and opt for a set of subjects that complement studies in one’s major or explore an unrelated area of intellectual interest. General Electives are offered to the students to help them enhance their personality and develop interests in specific areas like values, personality development and character building, soft skills, communication skills, critical thinking skills, professional integrity, honesty, values and norms, professional etiquette and professional ethics etc.

Fashion Department
B.Sc. in AMT (Code: 101)

Students who opt for the Bachelor of Science in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology program as their field of study can specialize in the study area of apparel product development, construction and in apparel business management.

Studies in apparel products development focus on cotton, cotton-manmade blended and synthetic products such as menswear, womenswear, childrenwear, sportwear, etc. Students acquire comprehensive insights and skills in all fields of apparel construction, such as prototype/true size pattern design, style construction, marker making, spreading and cutting, assembling, finishing and correct fit. Courses in apparel production and operations management, compliance and sustainability management, ergonomics and safety management, with a particular focus on the garment processing and care, marketing and merchandizing, supply chain management, apparel design and development, apparel quality management, prepare students ideally for executive management positions in the fields of apparel products design, apparel products manufacturing and apparel business management.

Profile of the program
  • Name of the Degree: Bachelor of Science in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology, abbreviated as B. Sc. in AMT
  • Number of Credits: 145
  • Language of Instruction: English
  • Courses Start: Spring (January) & Fall (July) each year
  • Standard time to attain the Degree: Four years (eight semesters, six months each)
  • Minimum grade to attain the Degree: 2.50 in a scale of 4.00

The program trains young technologists and professionals for the highly diverse and versatile range of technical and business administration tasks in the apparel industry. Studies also focus on specialized fields of apparel manufacturing production techniques and processes. This knowledge is complemented by offering extended studies in the fields of science, English communication and business administration. A knowledge of quality management, economics and financial management and specialized IT systems such as ERP rounds off the students' skills and competencies.

The program consists of eight academic semesters and a total of 145 credits. Each semester is subdivided into modules from the fields of: Majors, Deepening Specializations, Interdisciplinary Minors and General Electives. The degree program is completed with an 8-week internship which the students do in a company, followed by the production of a Bachelor's Thesis/Final Project.

Subjects Taught

Category wise courses and credits summary

# Category No. of Courses Credits Percentage
1 General Electives 14 36.00 24.83
2 Majors 43 81.00 55.86
3 Deepening Specializations 07 17 11.73
4 Interdisciplinary Minors 06 11.00 07.58
Total 70 145.00 100.00
Majors (extract)

Introduction to Textile Science

Introduction to Fashion & Clothing Studies

Field Trips (Factory Visits)

Sewing Technology

Clothing Materials & Store Management

Dyeing, Printing & Finishing

Apparel Production Process and Details

Patterns - Bodice & Variations

Communication Techniques in Apparel Business

Basic Garment Construction

Cutting Room Technology

Fashion Marketing

International Trade & Transaction

Pattern Grading & CAD (Lectra & Gerber)

Apparel Production Engineering

Special Fabrics & Finishes for Apparel

Industrial Management

Sourcing & Negotiation Techniques

Application of Computer in Apparel Industries

ISO, Compliance & Safety Management

Clothing Comfort

Supply Chain Management

Product Development & Re-engineering

Corporate Social Responsibility

Fashion Retailing & Visual Merchandising

Research Methodology

Final Year Project

Industrial Training & Comprehensive Viva

Deepening Specializations (extract)

Advanced Garment Construction

Apparel Quality Management

Sewing Machine Engineering & Attachments

Advanced Apparel Quality Management

Industrial Garment Washing & Care Labelling

Apparel Production Planning & Operations Management

Apparel Merchandising Management

Interdisciplinary Minors (extract)

Elements of Design & Fashion Illustration Lab

Fabric Structure & Analysis

Testing of Textiles

Fully-fashioned Knitting Techniques

Cut & Sew Knitting Techniques

General Electives (extract)

Basic English



Bangla Bhasha

English Communication & Composition


Bangladesh Studies

Principles of Accounting


Organizational Behavior


Accreditation of the Program

The syllabus for B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology has been designed as per the guidelines of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, accordingly has been verified and approved by the proper authority nominated by the UGC.

Program Education Objectives [PEOs]

The educational objectives of B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology program are as follows:

PEO 1: Graduates of B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology program will have increasing responsibilities/advancement in positions in ready-made garment industries, textiles and allied sectors such as product development, production, productivity improvement, technical services, quality assurance and marketing.
PEO 2: Graduates of B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology program will become successful entrepreneurs/business partners in ready-made garment industries, textiles and allied sectors by starting new ventures/expansion of existing family business/product diversification, and contributing to societal, technological and industry development.
PEO 3: Graduates of B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology program will be engaged in life-long learning and professional development through participation/resource persons/publications in conferences, workshops, seminars, or pursue specialized studies in technical and engineering domains.

Program Learning Outcomes [PLOs]

B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology graduates will be able to:

PLO 1: Contemporary Technical knowledge: Apply the contemporary knowledge of mathematics, science, technical fundamentals, and a technical specialization to the solution of complex apparel manufacturing technological problems such as production prediction, manpower requirement estimation, lead-time calculation, costing and pricing.
PLO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex technical problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, sciences, statistics and contemporary apparel manufacturing technological knowledge such as challenges of mass production, employee turnover, process optimization, cost reduction, productivity improvement and supply chain management.
PLO 3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex technical problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PLO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PLO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern technical and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex technical activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PLO 6: The technologist and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional technical practices.
PLO 7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional technical solutions in societal and environmental contexts, demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PLO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities, and norms of the technical practices.
PLO 9: Individual and teamwork: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PLO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex technical activities with the technical community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PLO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the technical and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PLO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes [PSOs]

B.Sc. in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology graduates will be able to:

PSO 1: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, technical fundamentals and a technical specialization for process optimization, value analysis, productivity improvement, solutions to quality issues and product development in the domains of ready-made garment industries, textile and allied sectors.
PSO 2: Demonstrate learned techniques, experiments, modern technical tools and software to estimate the optimum resources such as raw materials, machineries and manpower to predict the properties of fibers, yarns, fabrics and garments as per the end uses.

Graduate Attributes [GAs] / Graduate Profile

  1. Contemporary technical knowledge of the subjects,
  2. Problem solving skills,
  3. Design and development of solutions skills,
  4. Investigative and analytical skills,
  5. Modern tool usage skills,
  6. People Management skill,
  7. Emotional intelligence,
  8. Negotiation skills,
  9. Environment and sustainability,
  10. Ethics,
  11. Integrity,
  12. Citizenship,
  13. Interpersonal & Team-building skills
  14. Communication skills,
  15. Skill to work with people,
  16. Ability to instruct,
  17. Participation skills,
  18. Ability to present oneself as a resource person,
  19. Ability to make publications in conferences, workshops, seminars,
  20. Ability to pursue specialized higher studies.