BUFT Institute of
Fashion & Technology (BIFT)
BIFT develops in the students the ability to make intelligent business like decisions with prudence. The programs offered by the institute focus on strengthening of key technological functions of apparel industry and understanding of industrial engineering and ergonomic techniques. The emphasis is on production, planning, mechanical engineering, control and management practices applicable in the apparel and fashion industries.
The continuous interactions with the industries and visits to leading manufacturing units not only create an enriching learning environment for the students but also widen the horizons of their experience. Equipped with competent technical knowledge, the students are able to anticipate and address the concerns and issues of the emerging manufacturing principles.
The programs offered by the institute fundamentally aim to enhance the students’ perception of the commercial environment and matching them with professional understanding of manufacturing technology, marketing and management principles related to apparel and fashion industries.
Admission Going On (Spring - 2025)
BIFT is offering several PGD, Six-month Certificate and Three-month Short Course programs. Fields of study include Manufacturing, management, quality control, merchandising and fashion studies.
- Total Tuition Fees for any PGD program: BDT. 93,000
- Total Tuition Fees for any Certificate program: BDT. 36,000
- Total Tuition Fees for any Short Course program: BDT. 13,000
Programs of Study
The institute offers 3 one-year post graduate diploma programs, 7 six-moth certificate programs and 6 three-month short course programs. The programs are constructed of an interdisciplinary curriculum drawing on diverse science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, textile engineering and manufacturing principles and management.
Approval of the Programs
All programs offered by the institute have been designed as per the clear instruction of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, accordingly have been verified and approved by the proper authority nominated by the UGC.