BUFT Institute of
Fashion & Technology (BIFT)
BIFT develops in the students the ability to make intelligent business like decisions with prudence. The programs offered by the institute focus on strengthening of key technological functions of apparel industry and understanding of industrial engineering and ergonomic techniques. The emphasis is on production, planning, mechanical engineering, control and management practices applicable in the apparel and fashion industries.
The continuous interactions with the industries and visits to leading manufacturing units not only create an enriching learning environment for the students but also widen the horizons of their experience. Equipped with competent technical knowledge, the students are able to anticipate and address the concerns and issues of the emerging manufacturing principles.
The programs offered by the institute fundamentally aim to enhance the students’ perception of the commercial environment and matching them with professional understanding of manufacturing technology, marketing and management principles related to apparel and fashion industries.
Admission Going On (Spring - 2025)
BIFT is offering several PGD, Six-month Certificate and Three-month Short Course programs. Fields of study include Manufacturing, management, quality control, merchandising and fashion studies.
- Total Tuition Fees for any PGD program: BDT. 93,000
- Total Tuition Fees for any Certificate program: BDT. 36,000
- Total Tuition Fees for any Short Course program: BDT. 13,000
Programs of Study
The institute offers 3 one-year post graduate diploma programs, 7 six-moth certificate programs and 6 three-month short course programs. The programs are constructed of an interdisciplinary curriculum drawing on diverse science, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, textile engineering and manufacturing principles and management.
PGD in AEPP is designed to provide the students with the theoretical and practical knowledge about different production system and best engineering solution of the production process of the RMG sector. They will be equipped with the understanding of increasing productivity of the RMG sector. There is a high demand for the person with knowledge and education in Apparel Engineering and Production Planning and will be competent to join as Industrial Engineer (Apparel), work study officer; Production Manager etc.
PGD in Apparel Manufacturing & Technology (PGD in AMT) is a comprehensive course specially designed for those who want to pursue their career in apparel production units. Completion of this course will equip the participants with the detail of woven, knitwear, and sweater manufacturing processes. Class lectures also include discussions on various production teachniques and philosophies.
PGD in apparel merchandising prepares students providing the technical knowledge and skills to cope up with the multidimensional requirements of merchandising in apparel manufacturing industries and buying house. The program ensures that the students are provided the theoretical and practical issue prevails in the RMG sector thereby making them competent and confident to work in the RMG related field.
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
The objective of this course is to introduce and enhance the understanding of the participants in Computer Application and Enterprises Resource Planning (ERP) solutions used in the textile and RMG sectors.
Fashion Design & Technology (FDT)
The objective of this course is to foster the creative and aesthetic aspects of fashion designing and clothing. It will enhance the experimental interest in art and craft and develop the intellectual, perpetual and spiritual skill in art and craft.
Knitwear Merchandizing (Code: 645)
The objective of this certificate program is to enhance the understanding of the participant in knitwear manufacturing and to provide the students an insight of merchandizing procedures in knitwears and apparels.
Production Management (PM)
The objective of this program is to provide a fairly sound theoretical and practical knowledge on production processes and their management those prevail in the textile and ready-made garment industries. Students are expected to have enhanced knowledge on apparel production processes and other basic textile manufacturing processes.
Quality Control in Apparel Industry (QCAI)
This program aims to provide a sound theoretical and practical knowledge on quality control aspects prevail in the textile and ready-made garment industries. Students are expected to have enhanced knowledge on product quality and quality control methods being practiced in textile and apparel industries.
Sweater Merchandizing (SWM)
The objective of this program is to introduce and enhance the understanding of the participant in sweater manufacturing details that prevail in sweater production industries and to provide them an insight of merchandizing procedures in sweaters and apparels.
Computer Aided Pattern Grading & Marker Making (CAD I)
This course will enable the participants to enhance their knowledge in Computer Aided Pattern Grading and Marker Making. In the age of technology, this will certainly offer the recipients to have an advantage in the competing market where computer technology rules the global market.
Computer Aided Pattern Cutting (CAD II)
This course will enable the participants to enhance their knowledge in Computer Aided Pattern Cutting. Both theoretical and practical classes along with the continuous interactions with the industries and visits to leading manufacturing units set the key strengths of this program.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The objective of this program is to introduce the participants to the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) today, operationalizing the term and ensuring a cohesive definition of CSR and its applications for corporate sustainability.
HR & Compliance
The objective of this program is to ensure that the students are provided the theoretical and practical issue related to HR and compliance prevails in the textile and RMG sectors in Bangladesh.
Labour Law
The objective of this program is to introduce the participants to labour laws, labour rights, labour organizations, and collective bargaining. Discussions include Bangladesh Labour Law 2006 as well as International Labour Law.
Approval of the Programs
All programs offered by the institute have been designed as per the clear instruction of the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh, accordingly have been verified and approved by the proper authority nominated by the UGC.