Volume 5

Linking Organizational Green Culture to Environmental Performance in Ready-Made Garments Industry of Bangladesh: Mediating Role of Employee Green Behavior
Kajol Karmoker, Asifa Afrin Jamim, Brito Roy, Md Mourtuza Ahamed

Khulna University, University of Turku, Khulna University, Khulna University
Email: mrbritoroy@gmail.com

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of organizational green culture on environmental performance through the mediation effect of employee green behaviour in the ready-made garments (RMG) industry of Bangladesh. Method/Design/Approach: A quantitative type of study was conducted in order to test the study hypotheses. The study selected a total of 273 employees from LEED-certified RMG factories situated in Dhaka, Savar, Gajipur, and Narayanganj city of Bangladesh in order to collect data. Data collected through a self-administered questionnaire was analyzed using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings: The study findings suggest that organizational green culture has a positive and significant impact on environmental performance. Furthermore, it has been found that employee green behaviours segmented as task-related green behaviour and proactive green behaviour mediate the relationship between organizational green culture and environmental performance. Practical Implications: The study insights can help Bangladesh’s RMG industry experts, policymakers, and HR professionals build environmentally responsible practices, integrate company culture with environmental goals, and ensure a sustainable future.Originality/Value: The study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the mediating role of employee green behaviour between organizational green culture and environmental performance in the RMG industry and empirically analysing the issues within the context of a developing country like Bangladesh. Limitations: The current study is quantitative in nature and restricted to only 273 RMG employees in Bangladesh. In the future, a mixed method approach can be applied and comparative studies by taking more respondents from several countries can be conducted in order to get a comprehensive understanding regarding the study issue." "

Discriminating Factors of Formal and Informal Micro-Credits Programs in Bangladesh: An Efficiency Approach
Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam, Dr. Sabina Islam, Md. Shafayet Shahed Ornob

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Email: dnislam969-bus@sust.edu

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Purpose: The study aims to identify the factors influencing the choice of formal and informal micro-credits programs in poverty alleviation of Bangladesh
especially in Haor area.
Methodology: The study has covered a total of 2340 households' respondents where 1560 actual micro-credit users and 780 eligible micro-credit users while
they did not use micro-credits as control (50% of the cases) group for comparison purpose. The characteristics of control households are almost similar
to the cases (micro-credits recipient) households. Total survey area has been divided into thirty clusters and the survey was made with a structured
questionnaire to measure the impact on poverty of both types of credits and find out the dimensions of discrimination. The group means, pooled group
correlation matrix, covariates for discrimination, and validation of two-group discriminant finally Fisher's linear discriminant function were used to reach in
the conclusion.
Findings: The study identified that the installment types are the most important predictors in discriminating between formal and informal microcredits groups,
followed by duration of loan, interest rate, gender of loan receivers, earning status of loan receivers, and regular income source in the households and so on
and this is also confirmed by cross-validation analysis. Fisher's linear discriminant function forecasted that the new member with discriminant scores
above 0.44 supposed to borrow from the informal sources however the members having below of the score will borrow from formal sources.
Practical Implications: The lenders will be able to design effective micro-credit programs considering the needs of the users.
Originality/Value: The research is the first attempt to identify the discriminating factors between formal and informal micro-credits with large
volume of solid primary data.
Limitations: The study did not make any in-depth-interview regarding the issue.

The Prospects and Challenges of Internet of Things (IoT)-based Public Healthcare System in Bangladesh
Dr. Mohammad Masudur Rahman, Nayyab Alam, Sumiya Barkat Ullah, Muhammad Ataur Rahman

East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: masudur@ewubd.edu

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to discern the prospects and challenges of integrating Internet of Things (IoT) into the public healthcare sector of Bangladesh. This is timely because the present public healthcare status of the country needs dire improvement. Hence, this study explores the future scope of IoT-based public healthcare systems to be introduced to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) of Bangladesh henceforth recommends how the country can integrate the implementation of this technology to deliver better public healthcare services to its population. 

Methodology: The authors reviewed extensively literature from several reputed sources to identify the current public healthcare conditions, as well as the benefits and impediments of IoT-based public healthcare system in Bangladesh. Based on the searches pertaining to the data base, this study then outlines appropriate future scopes of IoT in the public healthcare of Bangladesh. 
Findings: This research identified major impediments such as lack of infrastructure, low motivation, awareness and acceptance as well as poor healthcare startups prevalent in the public health services of Bangladesh. To surmount the inefficiencies of the current services, the authors deliberated how IoT-based public healthcare system could foster better monitoring; management and rehabilitation thereby improve the overall Bangladesh’s public healthcare system. 
 Practical Implications: IoT healthcare organizations can also use technology to improve patient outcomes and increase efficiencies, which will lower the cost of treatment, reduce death rates and make it possible to give public healthcare to people who live in rural areas. 
Originality/Value: The researchers of this study are confident that the findings of this study will benefit other researchers, policymakers, healthcare service providers/designers and professionals to realize the potentials of IoT-based public healthcare system that could overcome the challenges faced and finally could deliver sound public healthcare facilities and services for Bangladeshis in the near future. 
 Limitations: In the future, we plan to develop the Central Repository of patient database system using blockchain technology. "

Impulse Response of External Debt Stock and Gross Capital Formation on Economic Growth in Bangladesh: Var Model, Granger Causality and Variance Decomposition Analysis
Roksana Akhter

Mawlana Bhashani Science & Technology University
Email: roksanaakhterlucky@gmail.com

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Purpose: This study employs an annual time series data set from 1987 to 2018 gathered from the World Development Indicators (WDI), 2021 to analyze the properties of external debt stock on financial progress(proxied by economic growth) in Bangladesh. Methodology: The objectives are determined using a variety of econometric techniques, including the Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root test, Var model, Johansen co integration test, Impulse Response Function (IRF), Variance decomposition function, and Granger causality test. The get the result of the Phillips-Perron (PP) unit root test which indicates the stationarity of all the variables at the initial difference. 

Findings: There is an expectant impact on financial progress (proxied by Gross Domestic Product Per capita) in Bangladesh, according to the short run Var model with the two independent variables External Debt Stock (proxied by public debt) and second lag of Gross Fixed Capital. Block Exogeneity/ Wald Tests and Johansen Co-integration test show that both lnEDS and lnGCF have a strong constructive impact on Bangladesh's financial progress in the short as well as long run. Pairwise, Granger Causality also indulgence the Bi-directional causality between lnGDPPC and lnEDS and Uni-directional causality from lnGCF to lnGDPPC. The influences of lnEDS and lnGCF on lnGDPPC are rising in the long term, showing that both variables are significantly exogenous on the dependent variable. 
Practical Implication: Bangladesh is now a fast-growing economy with several mega projects for infrastructural, human, and technological advancements such as roads, train, power, education, health, information technology, gas, and energy. External debt service and gross capital formation are crucial for Bangladeshi economic growth. The government should establish a priority aim for long-term economic growth by implementing suitable measures to control, maintain, regulate, and stabilize inflation at a reasonable level. 
Originality/Value: In a developing country, Savings within the country are insufficient to support investment for financial progress, according to the dual-gap theory and the Keynesian theory of public debt. As a result, bridging this gap for the required level of investment and achieving targeted economic growth will necessitate a bigger inflow of foreign aid or external borrowings. That’s why this study is very important. 
Limitations: Some limitations of this study include the absence of recent data with the factors. Also numerous factors can influence Bangladesh economic growth for instances, remittances, exchange rates and foreign direct investment all have a crucial impact on GDP growth. "

Does 4IR and Covid 19 Effect The Quality of Work Life and Living Standard of Women Workers? Evidence from Selected RMG Firms in Bangladesh
Dr. Mohammad Mizenur Rahaman, Dr. Md. Zillur Rahman, Sakufa Chowdhury

Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Email: mizen-ban@sust.edu

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Purposes The study's main objective is to find out the impact of the fourth industrial revolution and covid-19 on women workers of selected Ready-Made Garments (RMG) sector in Bangladesh. Methodology This study mainly followed a quantitative research approach with survey study. Total 18 garments (case) has been chosen randomly from DSE listed RMG firm based on access priority. Sample size for survey study has been determined by statistical method is 384. But this study consider total (15*27) = 405. Data have been collected from selected respondents (women workers) using structured questionnaire. Findings The study reveals that women workers in the RMG sector exhibit a remarkable lack of anxiety about their work-life quality, largely due to their experience and resilience in handling the challenges of their profession. It highlights the adaptability of these workers and underscores the importance of targeted support and interventions to promote sustainable livelihoods and better working conditions amid persistent challenges. Implications The study's findings can inform policymakers about the specific challenges faced by women workers in the RMG sector due to the convergence of 4IR and the COVID-19 pandemic. Originality/Value this study's originality and value lie in its intersectional analysis, empirical evidence, contextual specificity, practical implications, and contributions to knowledge, all of which enrich our understanding of the complex dynamics shaping the lives of women workers in Bangladesh's RMG sector amidst the challenges of 4IR and COVID-19. Limitations The study's findings may be limited by the scope of the selected RMG firms and the sample size of women workers included in the research. While efforts were made to ensure diversity within the sample, the findings may not be representative of all women workers in the RMG sector in Bangladesh, limiting the generalizability of the results.

The Impact of Risk Management on the Financial Performance of the General Insurance Companies in Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Jamil Sharif, Roksana Akter Lily, Dr. Mohammad Moniruzzaman

Department of Accounting & Information Systems, University of Dhaka
Email: jamilais9003@du.ac.bd

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Objective: Proper risk management abilities are the keys to financial success of any company. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between risk management activities and the financial performance of listed general insurance firms in Bangladesh. Methodology: To investigate the impact, secondary data have been collected from the annual reports of the 42 insurance firms listed in the DSE for a five-year period (2017–2021). ROA, the depended variable has been used as a proxy of the financial performance, while risk management performance of the firms was analyzed using credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, underwriting risk, solvency risk management capacity of the companies separately and aggregately. Findings: The regression result shows that solvency risk management has significant positive impact on financial performance while credit risk, operational risk and underwriting risk management activities also have positive impact on firm performance. In addition, while the risk management has been considered in a holistic approach considering all the risk management tools in aggregate, the regression analysis reveals that comprehensive risk management initiatives show significantly positive effect on firm performance of insurance firms. Practical Implications: This study underscores the need for effective risk management strategies within companies to boost their financial results. Originality: Very few papers in Bangladesh have explored this area in Bangladesh specially in insurance sector. Findings of this study in the context of Bangladesh contribute to the literature gap and help the management to take necessary initiatives to improve performance. Limitations: Selecting short time period for analysis and using ROA as the only dependent variable for performance measurement are the major limitations of this study.

Examining Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Government Services in Bangladesh: An Empirical View
Soma Rani Mandol , Dr. Tazizur Rahman

Department of Management Studies, University of Barishal
Email: trahman@bu.ac.bd

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Purpose: This study aims to identify factors influencing users’ behavioural intentions towards mobile government services. Methodology: We develop a research model with information quality, interaction quality, perceived value, power distance, and perceived compatibility. The structural equation modeling method was used to analyze the data collected through an online survey of 301 participants who are mobile government service users in Bangladesh. Findings: The results of this study show that information quality, interaction quality, perceived value, and perceived compatibility have significant and positive influences on behavioural intention to use mobile government services. Practical Implications: This research identified users' specific requirements and expectations about government services, and the necessary actions that the government should take in the event of dissatisfaction among the public. Moreover, the results indicate that giving users succinct and uncomplicated information suitable for standard mobile phones will motivate them to use mobile government services. Originality/Value: This study significantly contributes to information systems literature, particularly in the domain of mobile government services. Researchers developed an integrated model with the relevant dimensions of mobile government services, explaining the variation in the behavioural intention of mobile government services. Limitations: This research has some limitations. Initially, this investigation was confined only to the geographical boundaries of Bangladesh. Furthermore, the study model considers a limited number of factors that impact individuals' behaviour about their intention to use mobile government services. Most of the respondents are under the 20-30 age range; hence, the conclusions may not be relevant for older individuals.

Beyond Traditional Banking: Exploring the Influence of Technology on Depositors' Decision-Making in Bank Selection
Debashish Roy, Dr. Mohammad Shahidul Hoque

Metropolitan University, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology
Email: debashish@metrouni.edu.bd

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Purpose: The banking sector is crucial for the economy, and with growing competition, banks must pinpoint factors influencing depositors' choices. This study aims to uncover how technology adoption by commercial banks plays a role in depositors' decisions. Methodology: A hybrid approached is attempted in this study to explore the phenomenon of interest. In the qualitative phase, focus group discussion was conducted on two heterogeneous groups, each with ten participants. The recorded audio was further transcribed using speech-to-text modules. A natural language processing tool has been used to identify words or phrases that are semantically related or have similar meanings to depositors’ sentiment analysis. The quantitative phase involved descriptive statistics, principal component analysis and regression analysis to explore insight numerically. Findings: Respondents expressed a generally positive sentiment toward technology in banking, influencing their selection decisions, in the qualitative phase. In the quantitative phase, significant technological aspects affecting depositors' post-selection evaluations are identified. Findings from both approaches converge on the same line. Practical implications: Findings of this study may aid decision-makers in banking industry to articulate distinct technological aspect implied in banking service delivery and better design service offerings to attract new depositors and gain competitive advantages. Originality/Value: This is the first study to focus solely on technology to explore how technology influences depositors' bank choices in the context of Bangladesh. Research Limitations: Significant parts of several conversations were sorted out for sentiment analysis. If it was possible to consider all relevant statements of the focus group discussion for sentiment analysis, it might convey a more pertinent sentiment score.

Internal and External Continuity Strategies to Support Senior Employees’ Choice of Extended Working Life in Higher Education Institutions
Md. Shahidul Islam Fakir

Department of Management Studies, Jagannath University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: fakir.mdshahidulislam@mgt.jnu.ac.bd

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Purpose: This study explores how HR professionals perceive older employees' intentions to continue working beyond the official retirement age and what strategies organizations would apply concerning their older employees. This study uses the theoretical lens of Atchley's (1989) continuity theory, a social gerontology theory that holds that aging people maintain existing internal and external continuity working structures. Methodology: A qualitative study was adopted. 17 HR professionals were interviewed through a semi-structured in-depth interview guide within the 12 public universities in Sweden (anonymous). Empirical data were thematically analyzed through the theoretical lens of continuity within internal and external continuity strategies. Findings: This study argues for some internal and external continuity strategies that help older employees be active longer than normal aging. These are a) mentoring and knowledge sharing program (internal continuity), b) a competence and experiences appreciation program (internal continuity), c) providing sufficient facilities for flexible working and work satisfaction (external continuity), and d) establishing provision for part-time employment after retirement (external continuity). Practical Implications: This study can contribute to previous studies by bringing the higher education institutions (HEI) sector into the organization studies. Originality/Value: This original study contributes to social sustainability through empirical and theoretical evidence to support and develop the older community of society. Limitations: This study needs to include more variations of interview data. It would be interesting for future researchers to study what age management strategies support older employees in improving their skills and what this study needs to focus on.

Perceived Fairness of Performance Appraisal: Does It Shape Bankers’ Attitudes towards their Job and Organization?
Dr. Dewan Niamul Karim

Faculty of Business Studies, Department of Management Studies
Email: nimaulmgt@juniv.edu

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Purpose: The study aimed to assess the effect of perceived fairness of performance appraisal (PA) on bankers’ attitudes, namely job satisfaction, job involvement, work engagement, and organizational commitment. Methodology: The research employed a convenience sampling method to gather data from 207 front-line bank officers working in 10 private commercial banks in Bangladesh. For the analysis of the collected data, the study used statistical tools such as ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and regression, using SPSS version 25. Findings: The study found that fair PA has a significant positive impact on all four types of attitudes. From the control variables (i.e., experience, age, gender, education, and marital status), only education level is found to have a significant negative association with job satisfaction and job involvement. Practical Implications: By highlighting the significance of a fair performance appraisal (PA) system, the study provides insights for bank administrations on improving the positive attitudes of their workforce. This, in turn, may boost bankers’ performance and foster success for the banks as a whole. Originality/Value: In a first-of-its-kind endeavor, the study contributes valuable theoretical insights by exploring the influence of fair PA on diverse types of desirable employee attitudes towards jobs, work, and the organization. Moreover, the study explains the findings in the context of social exchange theory as well as equity theory. Research Limitations: A small sample size, convenience sampling, and cross-sectional self-reported data are the main limitations.

Assessing the relationship between inflation and policy interest rates in the context of Bangladesh
Dr. Md. Fardous Alom

Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
Email: fardousalom.official@gmail.com

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Purpose: This study attempts to empirically assess the short and long-run relationship between inflation and policy interest rate in the context of Bangladesh. Methodology: Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) has been utilized using quarterly data over the first quarter of 2010 to second quarter of 2022. Findings: The empirical findings reveal that the inflation is inversely related to the changes in policy interest rates in the short and long-run indicating that any increase in policy interest rate leads to a decrease in inflation rate and vice versa. This finding is consistent with the conventional monetary policy theory. Practical Implications: The findings provide insights to the policymakers and practitioners suggesting that the policy rate remains as an effective monetary policy instrument to manage inflation. Originality/Value: This study adds to the existing limited literature of inverse relationship between inflation and central bank policy rate using most recent data set. The model used in this study has been rarely used in the previous literature. Research Limitations: The current study employs quantitative technique of bi-variate VECM which is prudent, however, further study may be conducted using multi-variate VECM.

Men’s Buying Behaviour towards Cotton Panjabi: A Study on Bangladeshi Fashion Brands
Zannatul Ferdous Moury

BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
Email: zannatul.ferdous@buft.edu.bd

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Purpose: This study attempts to detect the factors that have notable impact on Bangladeshi men’s buying behaviour towards ‘cotton Panjabi’ and also attempts to measure the relative importance of each factor. Methodology: This study is quantitative in nature. Adopting online survey method, data have been collected from 224 men and nonprobability convenience sampling technique has been used in this study. Factor analysis has been employed to analyse data and SPSS software has been used to process data. Findings: The findings uncover several factors including attractiveness, fabric quality, buyer’s psychological characteristics, promotional activities and socio-economic factors that affect men’s buying behaviour towards cotton Panjabi among which attractiveness has been detected as the most influential factor. The findings also unveil that young consumers are more fashion conscious and they are the large scale consumers of branded Panjabi. Practical Implications: This study offers a direction to the practitioners by which they can upgrade their product design and style, decoration of their outlets, overall environment of the store, make strategic targeting and promotional activities and make strong industry leadership. Originality/Value: There is a paucity of academic literature that examines the factors influencing men’s buying behaviour towards cotton Panjabi. This quantitative study addresses this gap by identifying the remarkable factors and their impact on Bangladeshi men’s buying behaviour while buying cotton Panjabi. Limitations: This study focused on male consumers in all respects which might mar the findings’ generalizability. Further, this study is limited to cotton apparel and Bangladeshi fashion brands rather than other fabrics and global brands.

Evaluating the Impact of MBA Programs in Public Universities of Bangladesh on Career Development of Professionals
Dr. Md. Ashraful Alam, Dr. Md. Saiful Islam, Dr. Saroje Kumar Sarkar

Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, University of Rajshahi, University of Rajshahi
Email: alamashraful0208@gmail.com

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Purpose: The study aims to explore the contribution of MBA programs to the career progression of professionals. Methodology: A methodology combining quantitative and qualitative techniques, considered as an explanatory sequential framework, was used to understand the impact of MBA programs on the career advancement of professionals. The population of this study consisted of professionals who were admitted to MBA programs between 2010 and 2017 at public universities in Bangladesh on a part-time basis and successfully obtained their degrees. Findings: The quantitative results demonstrated that the knowledge and skills acquired through MBA programs positively influenced the advancement of professionals' careers. However, the qualitative approach did not yield satisfactory results concerning salary increases but confirmed an increase in job responsibilities, opportunities for promotions, and the potential for MBA degree holders to obtain new jobs. Practical Implication: The findings of the study can serve as motivation for non-MBA holders to pursue an MBA degree, especially those seeking career promotion and redirection. Furthermore, the results of the study may motivate MBA program authorities to carefully consider the requirements of both the professions and professionals to meet the demand of the job market. Originality/Value: Many professionals in Bangladesh enroll in MBA programs with the goal of advancing or restarting their careers, but the impact remains unknown due to the absence of previous studies related to the issue. Therefore, this study can be helpful to meet up the knowledge deficiency related to this study area. Limitations: However, a potential limitation of the study lies in relying on hand-coded thematic method for analyzing qualitative data without the aid of specialized software.

Exploring Anime Consumers' Identity Construction in the Digital Era
Syeeda Raisa Maliha, Mustafa Nizamul Aziz

Lund University
Email: syeeda.raisa.maliha@gmail.com

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Purpose: This paper delves into the intricate relationship between anime consumption and the construction of identity in the digital era, aiming to shed light on how anime enthusiasts negotiate their identities and the resulting socio-cultural implications. The study is structured around three pivotal themes: digitalization, identity construction, and community. Methodology: Employing a qualitative approach through four semi-structured interviews, the paper explores these themes to elucidate how anime viewers shape their identities in the digital era. Findings: The findings emphasize the significant influence of digitalization on anime consumption, making it more accessible, cost-effective, and globally pervasive. Practical Implications: Regarding identity construction, the study reveals that individuals resonate with overarching themes in anime, influencing their self-perception in terms of personal growth, determination, and purpose. The role of the anime community in the digital space is underscored, emphasizing its pivotal contribution to enhancing enjoyment by providing a platform for interest sharing, show discussions, content discovery, and critical insights. Originality/Value: This study illuminates the complex dynamics of anime consumption and its impact on identity construction, enriched by the advent of digitalization. Research Limitations: While comprehensive, the paper suggests future research avenues, particularly exploring the influence of anime studios and marketers on the identity construction process.

Impact of Soft Skills Training on Rural Women’s Development in Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Approach
MD. Rakibul Islam, Dr. Fahmida Mostafiz

University of Dhaka
Email: fahmida@du.ac.bd

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Purpose: This paper aims to examine how soft skills training have a positive impact on rural women’s prosperity in Bangladesh, specifically focusing on the impact of such training on their business performance and overall personal growth. Methodology: This study is based on a mixed-method approach by utilizing structured and semi-structured questionnaires, incorporating open-ended questions, and employing exploratory and descriptive research approaches to highlight the need of providing soft skills training. Findings: The results of the study indicate that the provision of soft skills training plays a crucial role in improving the overall business performance of female entrepreneurs in rural areas. This study explores how soft skills trainings improved their daily life activities and smoothed also business activities. This study underscores the positive impact of soft skills training, encompassing improved communication, leadership, problem-solving, decision-making, and self-motivation, on rural women's development and entrepreneurship in Bangladesh. Practical Implications: It is imperative for policy makers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sectors to prioritize the integration of soft skills trainings into programs designed to promote the economic progress of rural women in Bangladesh for mitigating the hiatus between their existing skill sets and the requirements of their businesses inclusion. Originality/Value: Existing literature on soft skills training for rural women is deficient in gender-specific analysis and regional/cultural variation examination, which impedes the development of individualized programs. This study addresses the gender and regional specificities of Bangladesh while examining the efficacy of soft skills trainings for rural women through the use of a mixed methods approach. Limitation: A more comprehensive approach is needed to inform effective interventions for rural women's development.

Nexus between Non-Performing Loan and Profitability: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Banking Industry of Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE)
Tandra Mondal, Jannat Jahan Mim

University of Barishal
Email: t.mondal44@gmail.com

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Purpose: The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of NPLs on profitability in the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) banking industry in Bangladesh. Methodology:The research employs panel data from 34 selected listed banks spanning the period from 2013 to 2022. The data are analyzed using Descriptive Statistics, Correlation matrix, and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). Findings: The study reveals a statistically significant negative influence of NPLs on the profitability of listed banks in the CSE. The analysis considers Return on Asset (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) in understanding the nexus between non-performing loans and profitability. Practical Implications:The research-derived suggestions are anticipated to be advantageous for banking professionals and regulatory authorities. The findings can guide the formulation of suitable strategies aimed at mitigating the proportion of Non-Performing Loans in the banking sector of Bangladesh. Value: This study contributes to the existing literature on the impact of NPLs on bank profitability, offering specific insights into the context of the CSE banking industry in Bangladesh. Research Limitations: The study is limited by the scope of the Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) banking industry and the selected time frame from 2013 to 2022. The findings may not be directly generalizable to other contexts or time periods.

Does Career Development Learning Lead to Greater Job Search Intentions? Uncovering the Underlying Mechanisms
Md. Rabiul Islam, Anindita Saha, Dr. Md. Sohel Chowdhury, Saima Afrin Liza

University of Barishal
Email: mschowdhury@bu.ac.bd

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Purpose: During the past couple of years, a great deal of study has been done on the intentions behind job searches, and this field continues to gain importance because millions of people worldwide do job searches every year. Therefore, the fundamental objective of this study is to investigate how the job search intentions of university students’ could be predicted. Methodology: Based on structured questionnaires, 306 data were collected from the university students of Bangladesh. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with Smart-PLS. Findings: The results showed that career development learning is significantly associated with human capital, perceived employability and career entry worries. Also, human capital positively affects job search intention but perceived employability and career entry worries don’t affect it. Notably, human capital mediated the relationship between career development learning and job search intentions. Practical Implications: This study adds value to the existing knowledge on job search intentions and human capital literature. In addition, the study's findings would provide higher education institutions with some insights into how to develop students’ employability and how to reduce students’ career entry worries through career development learning. Value/Originality: This study is distinctive in that it has an applied focus. To measure job search intentions, human capital, career entry worries, perceived employability, and career development learning are used as striking variables in the study. Notably, the research also looked at the ways in which human capital, employability perception and career entry anxieties function as mediators. Research Limitations: The study ends with discussing its key limitations and highlighting some directions for future research.

Investigating the Key Drivers of Bangladeshi Individuals Pursuing Medical Care Abroad
Dr Salma Akter, Md Azmol Fuad Talukder & Taj Ashrafi

East West University, Bangladesh Korea Institute of Information and Communication Technology
Email: drsalma@ewubd.edu

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Purpose: This study aimed to identify the primary causes that prompt most Bangladeshi individuals to seek medical care overseas. Methodology: A standardized questionnaire was designed for this study, and data were collected from 160 participants. Data were collected using online and offline surveys. Descriptive and regression analyses were then performed. We conducted an ANOVA test, correlation analysis on independent variables (psychological factors, social factors, economic factors), paired t-test for hypothesis testing, and crosstab analysis on age, gender, and education using SPSS software. Findings: This study revealed that Economic and social aspects are the primary factors driving Bangladeshi individuals to seek medical care overseas. Economic considerations have a more significant influence on Bangladeshi individuals’ decisions to seek medical care abroad than social considerations. Practical Implications: The findings of this study can aid policymakers and healthcare experts in the Bangladeshi government in recognizing areas that require renovation in the healthcare system, with the objective of discouraging the practice of outbound medical tourism. Originality/Value: This research supports Bangladeshi stereotypes regarding overseas treatment, and will assist in addressing medical tourism issues in Bangladesh. Research Limitations: This study may boost Bangladeshi medical businesses. However, inadequate disclosure and limited public data hindered this research. After the COVID-19 epidemic, medical tourism has increased. The current scenario may differ in coming years.

The Implication of Social Media on Online Purchasing Behavior in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study Focusing University Students
Mahathy Hasan Jewel, Md. Al Amin, Tamanna Akter

Jagannath University, Hamdard University Bangladesh
Email: jewelbhola@yahoo.com

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Purpose: The study aimed to investigate the implication of social media networks on online purchasing behavior, specifically focusing on consumer patronage, decision-making processes, and purchase intentions.

Methodology: This study utilized convenience sampling as a form of non-probability sampling. This investigation utilized a quantitative research design and gathered data from 200 University students using a structured questionnaire. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) techniques with SMART PLS-4.0 were used to test hypotheses.

Findings: According to the research, social media networks significantly impact the purchasing habits of internet users, influencing the decision-making process, purchase inclinations and store brand patronage. Consumers, as a result, take into consideration social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter etc. while making purchases from online retailers.

Practical Implications: This study's findings will streamline the e-commerce industry by attracting more e-commerce customers, especially the young generation. This study will assist internet marketing practitioners in creating campaigns that take into account social media networks and customer purchasing behavior.

Value: This study examined online purchasing behavior in three contexts: customer patronage, decision-making process, and purchase intentions, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the online buying landscape inside the realm of social media.

Limitations: This survey focused solely on university students in Dhaka city, implying that students from other cities may hold divergent opinions. This study employed convenience sampling, which is less accurate than probability sampling in order to prevent sample biases.

The Acceptance of Mobile Applications for Government Services (MG- App): A Study From Users’ Perspective
Monisha Akter Meem, Dr. Abul Khayer

University of Dhaka
Email: akhayer@du.ac.bd

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Purpose: The objective of this study is to identify and analyze various factors that influence users' acceptance of mobile government applications (mG-Apps).

Methodology: This study has constructed a research model grounded on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT). Further, information quality and trust, two vital constructs, have been added to the UTAUT to enhance the predictability of the model. Data collected from a sample size of 212 from Bangladesh has been used to test the model.

Findings: We have employed the popular structural equation modeling (SEM) to assess the data. Our results suggest that the significant elements impacting users' acceptance of mG-Apps are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, information quality and trust. In contrast, social influence is identified as an insignificant predictor.

Practical Implications: This research will assist different government agencies, policymakers, and practitioners in the creation of timely and effective policies to develop and promote myriad mG-Apps to render services to the citizens.

Originality/Value: This research has offered an innovative framework to assess the acceptance of mG-apps by the citizens. This unique model has been constructed by expanding UTAUT with two key contextual constructs such as information quality and trust. We believe, this study will contribute to the extant body of theory surrounding the use of mobile government, e-government, and mobile applications development.

Limitations: This study only looks at the opinions of people in Bangladesh, hence the researchers recommend that the proposed study model should be validated by using data collected from other similar countries. 

An Empirical Study on the Assessment of the Impact of Service Quality on Customer Repurchase Intention in Retail Chain Stores of Khulna District of Bangladesh
Md. Rafiqul Islam, Sayed Azharul Islam, Nur-E-Alam Siddiki, Prosenjit Tarafdar

Khulna University
Email: shawonsiddiki30@gmail.com

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Purpose: The study aims to identify how various aspects of service quality impact customer repurchase intention in retail chain stores in Bangladesh.

Methodology: The study has been conducted following the quantitative research method. Data were gathered from 100 shoppers via direct surveys done at multiple retail chain stores in Khulna city of Bangladesh. A questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale was used in the study to collect consumer feedback on several elements related to service quality and repurchase intention. SPSS 25 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used to analyze the data for Reliability tests, correlations analysis, and regression analysis.

Findings: The data show that responsiveness, assurance, and empathy have a substantial effect on customers' likelihood of repurchasing from retail chain stores. Surprisingly, tangible elements such as store appearance and reliability had little influence on customers' propensity to return.

Practical Implications: According to the findings, retailers should focus on developing a customer-centric strategy that emphasizes prompt service, trust-building efforts, and encouraging sympathetic relationships.

Originality/Value: The study has transformative potential for the retail chain sector, guiding strategic adjustments for enhanced customer experiences, competitive advantages, and long-term growth.

Limitations: While the study provides useful insights, its limitations include a limited geographic scope, small sample size and inherent biases caused by the convenience sampling method. To clarify subtle customer behaviors across multiple retail landscapes, future research should include broad retail segments and locales.

Domestic Barriers for Exporting Handicrafts from Bangladesh: An Investigation
Mouri Mehtaj, Shermin Akhter Jebu

University of Dhaka
Email: mouri.ib@du.ac.bd

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Purpose: The goal of the study is to investigate and demonstrate the major domestic barriers that are adversely affecting our handicraft products to compete in the international market.

Methodology: A self-administered questionnaire has been prepared to collect data from eight organizations who directly involved with exporting handicrafts from Bangladesh. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) has been used to identify the major domestic barriers. Also, face-to-face interview with the secretary of Banglacraft have been performed to gain detailed idea.    

Findings: The study has found three main domestic barriers which includes lack of skill, absence of creativity and lack of dedication. They have significant influence on the exporting process of handicraft items of Bangladesh.

Practical Implications: Recently, handicraft articles have growing demand because of their environment-friendly type. Even in the covid-19 pandemic, customers use these green products in their daily doings. Thus, this study might help the authority to realize the situation and take necessary actions to expand the market.

Originality/Value: Previously, a number of studies have been conducted on the overall obstacles of manufacturing, selling and exporting handicrafts. This study has specified a profound understanding on the local barriers for exporting handicrafts from Bangladesh.   

Research Limitations: Some limitations of the study are shortage of budget, time constrain and perceptional differences of the respondents. Also, use of mean value, small sample size might have an impact on the output of the analysis.   

Determinants of Solar Home Systems Adoption among Riverine Island Dwellers: A Case Study of Sirajganj District in Bangladesh
Md. Rasel Rana, Habibur Rahman

Begum Rokeya University
Email: raafsan.rasel@gmail.com

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Purpose: This study aims to identify the determinants of solar home systems adoption among riverine island dwellers, focusing on the Sirajganj district in Bangladesh.

Methodology: The research, based on a comprehensive survey of 200 households, utilized logistic regression analysis and descriptive statistics.

Findings: The study finds that ‘education of the household head’, ‘access to credit’, and ‘monthly household income’ significantly affected solar home systems adoption at different level of significance.  Factors leading to adopt solar home systems included lack of electricity access, focus on energy security, and cost savings, along with access to loans or installments and community connections. Conversely, non-adopters faced barriers such as perceived high initial costs, lack of installment facilities, and insufficient awareness.

Practical Implications: The study highlights the importance of credit accessibility, educational background, and household income in promoting solar home systems adoption. Policymakers and stakeholders can use these insights to tailor interventions addressing specific determinants and encourage widespread adoption.

Originality/Value: This research provides valuable new insights into promoting sustainable energy initiatives in similar contexts.

Limitations: The study's limitations include its small sample size and potential regional variations. Further research is recommended to validate and extend these findings across diverse geographical settings.

Impact of Corporate Daycare Facilities on the Productivity of Female Employees: Evidence from Bangladesh
.M. Sayem, Tahmina Akter, Israt Jahan Shithii

Bangladesh University of Professionals, Prime University, Noakhali Science and Technology University
Email: tahminaremibu@gmail.com

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Purpose: The current study aims to identify the impact of corporate daycare facilities on female employees’ productivity in the organizations of Bangladesh. 

Methodology: A structured questionnaire has been developed and distributed to the current daycare facility users to collect information on the research framework. Data collected from 203 respondents have been analyzed using smartPLS4 to establish the possible relationship between four daycare service factors and the productivity of female employees.

Findings: The results show that corporate onsite daycare facility has a significant positive impact on the productivity of female employees. Whereas the impact of cost-efficient corporate daycare, infrastructure, and quality of daycare services have not been statistically significant.

Practical Implications: The study has great practical implications as the findings will help organizations in designing an appropriate daycare service facility for female employees in Bangladesh.

Originality/Value: As corporate daycare is an inclusion strategy that attracts female employees to the workforce. Organizations are trying to provide daycare facilities to retain more women employees as supported by previous research. However, the productivity in the workplace of female employees, who have been provided with daycare facilities remains unresolved in the developing economy. So the study will fill the gap in the existing literature on onsite daycare systems.

Research Limitations: The current study is based on urban settings limiting the cultural diversity in the responses and based on convenient sampling, which might limit the generalizability of the findings. 

An Empirical Study on the Assessment of the Impact of Service Quality on Customer Repurchase Intention in Retail Chain Stores of Khulna District of Bangladesh
Md. Rafiqul Islam, Sayed Azharul Islam, Nur-E-Alam Siddiki, Prosenjit Tarafdar

Khulna University
Email: shawonsiddiki30@gmail.com

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Purpose: The study aims to identify how various aspects of service quality impact customer repurchase intention in retail chain stores in Bangladesh.

Methodology: The study has been conducted following the quantitative research method. Data were gathered from 100 shoppers via direct surveys done at multiple retail chain stores in Khulna city of Bangladesh. A questionnaire with a five-point Likert scale was used in the study to collect consumer feedback on several elements related to service quality and repurchase intention. SPSS 25 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) was used to analyze the data for Reliability tests, correlations analysis, and regression analysis.

Findings: The data show that responsiveness, assurance, and empathy have a substantial effect on customers' likelihood of repurchasing from retail chain stores. Surprisingly, tangible elements such as store appearance and reliability had little influence on customers' propensity to return.

Practical Implications: According to the findings, retailers should focus on developing a customer-centric strategy that emphasizes prompt service, trust-building efforts, and encouraging sympathetic relationships.

Originality/Value: The study has transformative potential for the retail chain sector, guiding strategic adjustments for enhanced customer experiences, competitive advantages, and long-term growth.

Limitations: While the study provides useful insights, its limitations include a limited geographic scope, small sample size and inherent biases caused by the convenience sampling method. To clarify subtle customer behaviors across multiple retail landscapes, future research should include broad retail segments and locales.

How Do Greenhouse Gases and Other Factors Affect Rice Production in Bangladesh? An Insight from Autoregressive Distributed Lag Approach
Rasheda Sultana, Sabiha Binta Hasan, Roksana Akhter

Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University
Email: sabihaeco@mbstu.ac.bd

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Purpose: The study aims to elucidate the impact of greenhouse gases and other factors on rice production in Bangladesh. By considering the influences of greenhouse gases, technological factors, and industrial activities, the research unveils significant insights into the long-term and short-term effects on rice production.

Methodology: This research employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach to investigate the impact of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, agricultural land, agriculture as percentage share of GDP, and industry on rice production in Bangladesh through EViews-12 Software.

Findings: Our findings suggest that CO2 emissions, industrial and agricultural share as percentage of GDP exhibit a negative impact, decreasing rice production, while N2O and agricultural land have a notable positive effect. Technical factors such as the area under rice cultivation, agriculture and industry are identified as pivotal contributors to rice production.

Practical Implications: Finally, the study concludes with policy implications and recommendations based on our findings for sustainable agricultural practices, technological advancements, and policy interventions tailored to enhance rice production and secure food sustainability in the unique agricultural landscape of Bangladesh.

Originality/Value: As per as our knowledge, no research has been carried out in Bangladesh to investigate the impact of greenhouse gases and selected factors on rice production.

Research Limitations: Due to difficulties in data collection procedure, we could not include all variables of greenhouse gases. We expect in future, there will be more data sources which would help many researchers to contribute to rice production related researches.