BUFT Students Champion in Debate Competition

BUFT Students Champion in Debate Competition

A shadow parliament debate competition titled 'Bank merger will strengthen good governance in the banking sector' was organized by Debate for Democracy at FDC, Karwanbazar, Dhaka on 30 March 2024. Debaters from BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) and Prime University participated in the debate competition. BUFT debaters won the championship in the shadow parliament, defeating Prime University debaters. Mr. Hassan Ahamed Chowdhury Kiron, Chairman, Debate for Democracy chaired the event while Mr. Salehuddin Ahmed, Former Governor of Bangladesh Bank was present as the chief guest in the debate competition. Trophy and certificate were awarded to the winning team at the end of the competition. Later, the winning students had the opportunity to meet and capture moments with the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of BUFT, Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahfuzur Rahman.
  • 5 months ago
Panel Discussion on the Bangladesh-Germany Textile Trade Conundrum: Balancing Rapid Growth with Sustainability

Panel Discussion on the Bangladesh-Germany Textile Trade Conundrum: Balancing Rapid Growth with Sustainability

A thought-provoking panel discussion titled "Bangladesh-Germany Textile Trade Conundrum: Balancing Rapid Growth with Sustainability was held on 20 March 2024 at BUFT Seminar Hall. The panelists included Ambassador Mr. Shahed Akter, Former CEO of the Bangladesh German Chamber of Commerce & Industries (BGCCI); Prof. Dr. Ayub Nabi Khan, Pro Vice Chancellor of BUFT; Mr. Md. Salimullah, Senior Assistant Secretary at the Ministry of Industries, Bangladesh; Mr. Md. Saiful Islam, Minister of Commercial Affairs at the Embassy of Bangladesh, Berlin; Ms. Lavinia Muth, Lecturer at AMD, Berlin, and a Sustainability Consultant with extensive experience in sustainable textile production in Germany (via online participation); and Mr. Khalid Hossain, Lead of Partnerships at the Bangladesh Apparel Exchange Forum. Mr. Leo Wigger, Director for South Asia & Eurasia at the Candid Foundation, served as the Moderator. Given the substantial role that the textile industry plays in both the Bangladesh and German economies, the objective of this panel discussion was to scrutinize the intricacies of their trade dynamics. The discussants aimed to address the challenges and opportunities arising from the swift expansion of textile trade between these nations, emphasizing the imperative of sustainability amidst such growth. The session concluded with an interactive question and answer segment.
  • 5 months ago
BUFT Explores Collaborative Ventures with South African Business Delegation during BSEC Sideline Meeting

BUFT Explores Collaborative Ventures with South African Business Delegation during BSEC Sideline Meeting

A distinguished team from BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT), led by Mr. Md. Rafiquzzaman, Registrar, BUFT and Dr. Ranajit Kumar Nag, Head of the Textile Engineering Department, along with Mr. ATM Adnan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration, and Mr. Rayed Barkat, Assistant Professor in the Department of Fashion Studies, participated in a sideline meeting with the South African business delegation. The event unfolded at the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC) premises on March 12, 2024. During the meeting, Mr. Md. Rafiquzzaman warmly introduced the BUFT team, setting the stage for the discussions that followed. Dr. Ranajit Kumar Nag, the Head of the Textile Engineering Department, delivered a comprehensive presentation, shedding light on BUFT's academic prowess, highlighting the institution's expertise in Textile, Fashion design, and Technology. The South African business delegation, representing the South Africa-Indian Ocean Rim Business Forum (IORBF) and the Black Business Council (BBC), expressed a keen interest in understanding the skilled manpower supply by BUFT, particularly in the Readymade Garments sector of Bangladesh. The delegation sought insights into the university's capabilities in providing skilled professionals in the fields of Textile, Fashion design, and Technology. BUFT reciprocated the enthusiasm by expressing a keen interest in fostering collaboration through joint degree offerings, collaborative applied research, and the commercialization of technological innovation with South African universities. The discussions aimed to strengthen ties and create mutually beneficial opportunities for both parties. At the end a token of appreciation was presented to the South African business delegates from BUFT, symbolizing the promising collaboration and goodwill established during the meeting.
  • 5 months ago