BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT) and the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), a top-ranked fashion institution in India, have extended their international academic collaboration agreement. The signing ceremony took place during the Bharat Tex 2024 global event, one of the largest international textile shows, organized by the Ministry of Textiles, India on 27 February 2024. On behalf of both parties, Ms. Tanu Kashyap, IAS, and Mr. Md. Shafiul Islam, Honorable Chairman of the Board of Trade, signed the agreement. Distinguished individuals, including BGMEA President and founder member, BOT, BUFT, Mr. Faruque Hassan, Mrs. Hassan, Prof. Dr. Engr. Ayub Nabi Khan, Pro VC, BUFT, textile entrepreneurs, and academicians attended the event. In the closing session of the MoU program, Ms. Rachna Shah, Textile Secretary from the Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The initial BUFT-NIFT MoU was signed on September 6, 2011, in Dhaka, in the presence of the honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh, Sheikh Hasina, and the former Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, by BUFT Former Founder Chairman, Mr. Muzaffar U Siddique, and the Director-General of NIFT. Additionally, BUFT also signed a new academic collaboration agreement with Namuna College of Fashion Technology (NCFT) in Nepal.
  • 6 months ago
Niederrhein University students visit BUFT

Niederrhein University students visit BUFT

On October 4, 2023, BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) and Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), solidifying their commitment to research, student exchange programs, and collaborative initiatives. Eight students from Niederrhein University have chosen to embark on a transformative journey by pursuing internships at BUFT-designated placement sites. These young scholars will immerse themselves in the vibrant fabric of Dhaka, gaining practical insights and building lasting connections. TEAM Group, overseen by Mr. Abdullah Hil Rakib, a member of the BUFT Board of Trustees, provides a stimulating atmosphere for learning and development. The students from HN will spend a month interning at TEAM Group, contributing their fresh perspectives while absorbing the rich tapestry of Bangladesh’s textile industry. Before commencing their internships, they visited the BUFT campus on February 14, 2024 where they met with BUFT’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. S.M. Mahfuzur Rahman, and Pro Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Engr. Ayub Nabi Khan. The delegation later explored BUFT’s state-of-the-art facilities and exchanged ideas with their Bangladeshi counterparts.
  • 7 months ago