Tuition Fees
Some programs incur higher expenditure than others it is therefore important that you check with your school for the exact rate of tuition fees for your chosen course.
These course fees will cover the cost of your study at the university as well as charges for registration, tuition, supervision, examinations and graduation. Payment of tuition fees will also entitle you to membership of the BUFT Library and the Students’ Clubs.
Total tuition fees for the B.Sc. in CSE program will be:
Total Tuition Fees: BDT. 6,51,400
After 25% waiver BDT. 5,14,900
Payment of Tuition Fees
The level of tuition fees you will pay per semester varies depending on factors such as the number of credits you have taken in that semester, re-registration of courses and fines (if any).
You can pay your total tuition fees for any particular semester by one or two installments. The university will set a time frame within which you must pay your tuition fees and a late payment charge will be incurred if your fees are not paid by the due date.
Tuition fees must be paid by the method as set by the university, usually through a specified bank. The detail of the bank (address and bank account number) will be provided by the university after you register.
After registration of your courses for a semester, you will get to know exactly how much you will have to pay and the deadlinesof all payments. Usually, you are supposed to go to a bank along with your advising paper and make the payment. You are supposed to report or show the evidence to the Accounts section ofthe university that your payment has been made.
The faculty member doing your advising, however, will let you know what to do!