Socio-Demographic Factors Influencing the Use of Food Delivery Applications (FDA): An Empirical Study
Ahmed Tausif Saad, Md. Abul Mohaimen

University of Asia Pacific

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Purpose The paper aims to analyze the consumer profile and the impact of sociodemographic factors on reasons to use Food Delivery Applications (FDA) in an emerging economy, Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach The study used a descriptive approach through an online survey of 168 consumers to identify reasons for using the FDA and favorite features of the FDA services. The chi-square test has been applied to the data.Findings Results highlight an association of gender and monthly income with favorite features. Occupation is associated with reasons to use FDAs. Results suggest that people who like to eat out at restaurants tend to order more frequently with food delivery apps. Practical Implications The study will help marketers, restaurant owners, and FDA service providers to better segment their customers and cater to different segments' needs. FDA service providers can personalize communication for each segment because people respond better when their needs and interests are specifically addressed. Limitations The findings of this study may not be generalized due to the small sample size of 168 participants and the convenience sampling method employed. However, the study provides valuable initial insights into the impact of sociodemographic factors on the reasons for using FDAs and consumers' favorite features in the growing food delivery marketplace.Originality. This study contributes to the literature as one of the first attempts to measure the impact of sociodemographic factors on reasons to use FDAs and consumers' favorite features.