Effect of COVID- 19 on e-learning of Tertiary Level Education in Bangladesh: A Review
Md Shahidul Hasan

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
Email: shahid3952@gmail.com

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Objective: This study aims to explore the opportunities and challenges of online tertiary education during the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted education for 1.6 billion students worldwide. The Bangladesh government also closed educational institutions on March 17, 2020, but some have considered online platforms for continuation.Methodology: We employed a qualitative research approach, including a thematic analysis based on research questions. Data was collected using a questionnaire survey, focus group discussions, and semi-structured interviews from 40 students from four universities in Dhaka and Chittagong. The sample comprised of 18 men and 22 women aged 18 to 26, from various academic fields.Findings: Major challenges of online learning include inadequate electronic devices, affordability of internet packages, curriculum and pedagogy concerns, and psychological issues. Additionally, teachers' lack of prior experience and inadequate training were identified as significant obstacles. Conversely, the potential of e-learning and e-libraries was recognized.Practical Implication: These findings may aid policymakers and educators in developing alternative communication methods in future pandemics.Originality: The research was conducted with the authenticity of sound research in mind.Limitations: Although our study was qualitative, future research could explore the impact of the pandemic quantitatively.