Md. Abdur Rakib

Assistant Professor & Head, BUFT


Abdur Rakib presently embraces the position of Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Social Sciences at BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT), Bangladesh.

Abdur Rakib completed his B.S.S and M.S.S. degree in Sociology from Dhaka University in 2013 and 2014 respectively. After receiving his Master’s degree, he joined BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT), Dhaka as a Lecturer in 2014. He is especially interested in research to the pitch of sociological theories, autism, social capital, human capital, social cohesion, contribution of RMG in Bangladesh, CSR, compliance issues in RMG etc.

He published 12 articles in different national and international Journals and two books. He presented papers in four International Conferences in various parts of Bangladesh, India and Indonesia. He currently coordinates a Danish funded project (Step Up+ project) in collaboration with Danida, DM&T and Sociability of Denmark.

Teaching/Research Specialization

Abdur Rakib has more than six years of experience in the fields of teaching, research project and development. He involved with two projects as a principle researcher funded by BUFT and team member under EU Horizon 2020.

  • Research on Implementation Status of Bangladesh Labor Law in Readymade Garments (RMG) Industry: A Study on Garment Factories in Gazipur.
  • Research on Life- cycle based sector study on ready-made garments (B2C).

