Mrs. Shaila Islam
Assistant Professor, BUFT
Shaila Islam is an educator
and also a researcher, mentor, and active contributor to the academic
community. She has been working at BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology
(BUFT) since September 2018. Previously she worked at Feni University for two
years. At the university level, she has more than 9 years of teaching
experience. Besides teaching, she is the advisor of the BUFT English Club.
Shaila completed her
graduation from Cumilla University with first class 3rd position and post graduation in Applied Linguistics and ELT by securing first class 1st position.
Her academic life is full of achievements. She achieved scholarships in primary
school certificate and junior school certificate. She was also awarded board
scholarships both in S.S.C and H.S.C level, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh.
As for publications, she has more than 4 publications in famous national and international journals. Recently she has been working on curriculum design and technology-based language teaching.
Teaching/Research Specialization
Learner autonomy
English Language
Teacher Education
Technology based
Language Teaching