Dr. S. M. Abu Raihan

Professor, BUFT


Dr. S. M. Abu Raihan has been serving as a professor of chemistry in the department of Environment science, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology since 2018

He obtained PhD in chemistry (organic chemistry) from School of Chemical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in 1990 and completed postdoctoral research, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM from 1990 - 1992.

He has 23 years teaching experiences in National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh and 14 years teaching experience in different govt. colleges in Bangladesh. He teaches different areas of Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Natural Products Chemistry and other related fields. He also served as Dean, Curriculum Development and Evaluation Centre and Dean, Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Training and Research in National University. Served as Editor, National University Journal of Science, Chairman Academic Committee, as chairman / member of different examination committee.

He supervised five Ph.D. Students and one M. Phil student under national university.

Teaching/Research Specialization

He has long research experience and 37 research publications in local and international journals. Here gladly mention a novel organic compound "Gramrione: A novel flavone from bruguieva gymnorrhiza Lam". published in Journal of ACGC Chemical Research Communications, vol - 2, 1992-94


[1]. Gramrione (1) (4',5',7-trihydroxy-3',5-dimethoxy flavone), a new flavone was isolated from the leaves of Bruguiera gymrwrrhiza Lam. and the structure was elucidated on the basis of spectral and chemical mean,.

Name: Journal of ACGC (Asian Coordination Group for Chemistry) Chemical Research Communications  Volumn: Vol-2, pp-21-24,1992-1994

[2]. Detection of C3- OH Group in Flavonols by the effect of CaCl2 on the UV Spectrum.
It seems to be a simple method for detecting the free 3-OH group in Flavonol, which has not been reported in the literature so far.

Name: Journal of ACGC (Asian Coordination Group for Chemistry) Chemical Research Communications  Volumn: Vol-2, pp-13-16,1992-1994

[3]. S. M. Abu Raihan et al, "Rheological studies of NRL-PAA blends and Impact of Concentration, Temperature and speed range on their properties"

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, Jan-Jun, 2015

[4]. S. M. Abu Raihan et al, "Biological activity studies of the extracts of Sansevieria roxburghiana"

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, Jan-Jun, 2015

[5]. Study of thyroxine and triodothyronine in female population using enzyme-linked immunosorbent technique

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, Jan-Jun, 2015

[6]. Effect of Plant Flavonoids on Mosquito Larvae

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014

[7]. Antioxidant, antibacterialo and cytotoxic phytoconstituents from aerial stems of Eqsetum debile Roxb

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014

[8]. Assessment of age dependent reference range of thyrotropin hormone using Immunoradiometric assay

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.1 No. 2, July-Dec, 2014

[9]. Impacts of Radiation and Leaching on physicochemical properties of Natural Rubber and its Rheological Studies

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014

[10]. Development of Etching Process for Enlargement of Particle Damaged Nuclear Tracks of Polystyrene Film

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014

[11]. Effect of Plant Flavonoids on Bacteria

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014

[12]. Phytochemical and Biological Activity Studies on Pouzolzia Zeylanica (Linn) Benn

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014

[13]. Effect of chemical treatments of jute fabric on copper content tensile strength and its longevity as nursery pots

Name: Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences  Volumn: Vol. 22 (2) pp. 1-5 2010 (December)

[14]. Study of poly (methy 2-methyl propenoate) as a Radiation Detector Under Various Etching Conditions

Name: Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Medicine  Volumn: Vol. - 13, pp-123-129, 2010

[15]. Chemical Investigation of Bruguiera Cylindrica

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol-1, pp-15-20, 2006

[16]. Decontamination of 134c, and 1 3 7cs From Liquid Radioactive Waste By chemical Prescipitation Method

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol-1, pp-15-20, 2006

[17]. Improvement of Physicochemical Properties of Irradiated Natural Rubber and Polyvinyl Alcohol Blends Through Radiation Vucanization

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol-1, pp-27-33, 2006

[18]. Standardization of Cr-39 Solid State Nuclear track Detector For the Measurement of Uranium in Ground Water

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol-1, pp-35-40, 2006

[19]. Measurement of Alpha Emitting Radionuclides Concentration in Some Imported Milk Samples

Name: National University Journal of Science  Volumn: Vol-1, pp-63-66, 2006

[20]. Chemical Investigation of Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza

Name: Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society  Volumn: Vol-8, No-2 pp101-105, 1995

[21]. Cytotoxic, Antibacterial and Free Radical Scavenging Activity Studies of the Solvent Extracts of Aerial Stems of Equisetum Debile Roxb

Name: International Journal of Chemical Sciences (IJCS)  Volumn: Vol. 10 (1), pp.19-26, 2012

[22]. Studies on the Physicochemical properties of NationalRubber/Polythene Blend and Impact of Radiation on their properties

Name: Polymer Plastic Technology and Engineering  Volumn: vol-49 (10), 2010

[23]. Isolation of Friendelin and Kaempferol glycoside from Malpighia Cocigera

Name: Journal of ACGC (Asian Coordination Group for Chemistry) Chemical Research Communications  Volumn: Vol-3, pp-8-10, 1995
Conference Paper

[1]. Antibacterial and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Compounds from the leaves of Memecylon Umbellatum Burm

Name: Bangladesh Chemical Congress-2011 (34th Annual Conference of Bangladesh, Chemical Society)  Date: Dec 19-20, 2011

[2]. Biological Activities of compounds from two selected Bangladeshi medicinal plants

Name: Bangladesh Chemical Congress-2011 (34th Annual Conference of Bangladesh, Chemical Society)  Date: Dec 19-20, 2011

[3]. Antimicrobial and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Isolated Compounds from some Selected Bangladeshi Medicinal Plants

Name: Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP) (2nd indian National Seminar 2011) Assam, India  Date: April 8-9, 2011

[4]. Assessment of Malnutrition Using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

Name: Proceeding of International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology & Imaging, Gonoshahthaya Kendra, Savar, Dhaka  Date: March 11-13, 2011

[5]. Determination of Physical and biological Criteria for External Beam Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy: Plan Ranking

Name: Proceeding of International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology & Imaging, Gonoshahthaya Kendra, Savar, Dhaka  Date: March 11-30, 2011

[6]. Phytochemical & Biological Activities of Selected medicinal plants of Bangladesh

Name: Bangladesh Chemical Congress-2010 (33rd Annual Conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society)  Date: Dec 10-12, 2010

[7]. Effect of plant Flavonoids on the Growth of Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Vitro

Name: Proceedings of 4th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan  Date: Nov. 5-9, 1992

[8]. Identification and Evaluation of Traditional Medicines available in the Malaysian Market: An attempt in the case of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia)

Name: Proceeding of National IRPA (Intensfication of research of Priority Areas) Seminar (Agriculture Sector) Kualalumpur, Malaysia  Date: Jan. 15, 1992

[9]. Studies on Larvicidal Activity of some Mangrove Plants against Mosquito Larvae (Aedes Aegypti)

Name: The 8th National Seminar on Natural Products and the UNESCO Regional Workshop on the Bioassay of Natural Products with Special Emphasis on Anticancer Agents, University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia  Date: Oct. 23-24, 1991

[10]. Studies on Antimicrobial Activity of some Mangrove Plants

Name: The 8th National Seminar on Natural Products and the UNESCO Regional Workshop on the Bioassay of Natural Products with Special Emphasis on Anticancer Agents, University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia  Date: Oct. 23-24, 1991

[11]. Allelopathic Falvonoid C-Glycosides From Bruguiera cylindrica Leaves

Name: Asia Pacific Regional Seminar of Analysis of trace Constituents in Foods, Penang Malaysia  Date: Nov. 15-17, 1990

[12]. Studies on Allelopathic Activity of some Mangrove Plants on Root Elogation of Paddy seedlings

Name: The 3rd JSPA-VCC Seminar on Integrated Engineering University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia  Date: Dec. 17-18, 1990

[13]. Flavonoids of Avicennia officinalis and Avicennia Marina

Name: First ANAIC International Chemistry Conference on Silicon and Tin, University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia  Date: Oct. 23-26, 1989

