Dr. S. M. Abu Raihan
Professor, BUFT
Teaching/Research Specialization
He has long research experience and 37 research publications in local and international journals. Here gladly mention a novel organic compound "Gramrione: A novel flavone from bruguieva gymnorrhiza Lam". published in Journal of ACGC Chemical Research Communications, vol - 2, 1992-94
[1]. Gramrione (1) (4',5',7-trihydroxy-3',5-dimethoxy flavone), a new flavone was isolated from the leaves of Bruguiera gymrwrrhiza Lam. and the structure was elucidated on the basis of spectral and chemical mean,.
Name: Journal of ACGC (Asian Coordination Group for Chemistry) Chemical Research Communications Volumn: Vol-2, pp-21-24,1992-1994[2]. Detection of C3- OH Group in Flavonols by the effect of CaCl2 on the UV Spectrum.
It seems to be a simple method for detecting the free 3-OH group in Flavonol, which has not been reported in the literature so far.
[3]. S. M. Abu Raihan et al, "Rheological studies of NRL-PAA blends and Impact of Concentration, Temperature and speed range on their properties"
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, Jan-Jun, 2015[4]. S. M. Abu Raihan et al, "Biological activity studies of the extracts of Sansevieria roxburghiana"
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, Jan-Jun, 2015[5]. Study of thyroxine and triodothyronine in female population using enzyme-linked immunosorbent technique
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, Jan-Jun, 2015[6]. Effect of Plant Flavonoids on Mosquito Larvae
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014[7]. Antioxidant, antibacterialo and cytotoxic phytoconstituents from aerial stems of Eqsetum debile Roxb
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.2 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014[8]. Assessment of age dependent reference range of thyrotropin hormone using Immunoradiometric assay
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.1 No. 2, July-Dec, 2014[9]. Impacts of Radiation and Leaching on physicochemical properties of Natural Rubber and its Rheological Studies
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014[10]. Development of Etching Process for Enlargement of Particle Damaged Nuclear Tracks of Polystyrene Film
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014[11]. Effect of Plant Flavonoids on Bacteria
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014[12]. Phytochemical and Biological Activity Studies on Pouzolzia Zeylanica (Linn) Benn
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol.1 No. 1, July-Dec, 2014[13]. Effect of chemical treatments of jute fabric on copper content tensile strength and its longevity as nursery pots
Name: Bangladesh Journal of Life Sciences Volumn: Vol. 22 (2) pp. 1-5 2010 (December)[14]. Study of poly (methy 2-methyl propenoate) as a Radiation Detector Under Various Etching Conditions
Name: Bangladesh Journal of Nuclear Medicine Volumn: Vol. - 13, pp-123-129, 2010[15]. Chemical Investigation of Bruguiera Cylindrica
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol-1, pp-15-20, 2006[16]. Decontamination of 134c, and 1 3 7cs From Liquid Radioactive Waste By chemical Prescipitation Method
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol-1, pp-15-20, 2006[17]. Improvement of Physicochemical Properties of Irradiated Natural Rubber and Polyvinyl Alcohol Blends Through Radiation Vucanization
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol-1, pp-27-33, 2006[18]. Standardization of Cr-39 Solid State Nuclear track Detector For the Measurement of Uranium in Ground Water
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol-1, pp-35-40, 2006[19]. Measurement of Alpha Emitting Radionuclides Concentration in Some Imported Milk Samples
Name: National University Journal of Science Volumn: Vol-1, pp-63-66, 2006[20]. Chemical Investigation of Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza
Name: Journal of the Bangladesh Chemical Society Volumn: Vol-8, No-2 pp101-105, 1995[21]. Cytotoxic, Antibacterial and Free Radical Scavenging Activity Studies of the Solvent Extracts of Aerial Stems of Equisetum Debile Roxb
Name: International Journal of Chemical Sciences (IJCS) Volumn: Vol. 10 (1), pp.19-26, 2012[22]. Studies on the Physicochemical properties of NationalRubber/Polythene Blend and Impact of Radiation on their properties
Name: Polymer Plastic Technology and Engineering Volumn: vol-49 (10), 2010[23]. Isolation of Friendelin and Kaempferol glycoside from Malpighia Cocigera
Name: Journal of ACGC (Asian Coordination Group for Chemistry) Chemical Research Communications Volumn: Vol-3, pp-8-10, 1995Conference Paper
[1]. Antibacterial and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Compounds from the leaves of Memecylon Umbellatum Burm
Name: Bangladesh Chemical Congress-2011 (34th Annual Conference of Bangladesh, Chemical Society) Date: Dec 19-20, 2011[2]. Biological Activities of compounds from two selected Bangladeshi medicinal plants
Name: Bangladesh Chemical Congress-2011 (34th Annual Conference of Bangladesh, Chemical Society) Date: Dec 19-20, 2011[3]. Antimicrobial and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Isolated Compounds from some Selected Bangladeshi Medicinal Plants
Name: Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP) (2nd indian National Seminar 2011) Assam, India Date: April 8-9, 2011[4]. Assessment of Malnutrition Using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
Name: Proceeding of International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology & Imaging, Gonoshahthaya Kendra, Savar, Dhaka Date: March 11-13, 2011[5]. Determination of Physical and biological Criteria for External Beam Radiotherapy and Brachytherapy: Plan Ranking
Name: Proceeding of International Conference on Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology & Imaging, Gonoshahthaya Kendra, Savar, Dhaka Date: March 11-30, 2011[6]. Phytochemical & Biological Activities of Selected medicinal plants of Bangladesh
Name: Bangladesh Chemical Congress-2010 (33rd Annual Conference of Bangladesh Chemical Society) Date: Dec 10-12, 2010[7]. Effect of plant Flavonoids on the Growth of Calcium Oxalate Crystals in Vitro
Name: Proceedings of 4th Asian Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan Date: Nov. 5-9, 1992[8]. Identification and Evaluation of Traditional Medicines available in the Malaysian Market: An attempt in the case of Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma Longifolia)
Name: Proceeding of National IRPA (Intensfication of research of Priority Areas) Seminar (Agriculture Sector) Kualalumpur, Malaysia Date: Jan. 15, 1992[9]. Studies on Larvicidal Activity of some Mangrove Plants against Mosquito Larvae (Aedes Aegypti)
Name: The 8th National Seminar on Natural Products and the UNESCO Regional Workshop on the Bioassay of Natural Products with Special Emphasis on Anticancer Agents, University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia Date: Oct. 23-24, 1991[10]. Studies on Antimicrobial Activity of some Mangrove Plants
Name: The 8th National Seminar on Natural Products and the UNESCO Regional Workshop on the Bioassay of Natural Products with Special Emphasis on Anticancer Agents, University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia Date: Oct. 23-24, 1991[11]. Allelopathic Falvonoid C-Glycosides From Bruguiera cylindrica Leaves
Name: Asia Pacific Regional Seminar of Analysis of trace Constituents in Foods, Penang Malaysia Date: Nov. 15-17, 1990[12]. Studies on Allelopathic Activity of some Mangrove Plants on Root Elogation of Paddy seedlings
Name: The 3rd JSPA-VCC Seminar on Integrated Engineering University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia Date: Dec. 17-18, 1990[13]. Flavonoids of Avicennia officinalis and Avicennia Marina
Name: First ANAIC International Chemistry Conference on Silicon and Tin, University of Malaya, Kualalumpur, Malaysia Date: Oct. 23-26, 1989