Ms. Nashid Bintey Hayder

Assistant Professor, BUFT


Nashid Bintey Hayder is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of  Business  Studies at BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT), Dhaka, Bangladesh specializing in  Digital  Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Marketing, Sustainable Marketing, Green Marketing and  Consumer  Perception, and Ethical Marketing Practices. Her strong enthusiasm for research, education, and  industry  engagement has propelled her academic path.

She has both Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) & Masters of Business Administration (MBA) in  Marketing  from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. In addition,  she has taught for several years at various private universities of Bangladesh. She has also attended a long,  eleven days training program on Teaching Learning Methods that was arranged by the World Bank, UGC, and  HEQEP.

She is dedicated to establishing an interactive, cooperative learning atmosphere that promotes problem-solving  and critical thinking. She uses digital tools, real-world industry examples, and case studies to help students better  comprehend business principles, especially when it comes to sustainable business practices.

Teaching/Research Specialization

Nashid Bintey Hayder’s research interests or specializations are focused on business strategydigital  marketingsustainable marketing practices, principles of marketing, services marketing, marketing  channels,  brand loyalty and consumer trust, social media influencers and consumer engagement and online consumer behavior. She is particularly interested in exploring sustainable business practices and consumer  behavior within the business industry. Her recent work also examines how social media transformation impacts  businesses and retail strategies.


[1]. Developing S-O-R Conceptual Framework for Social Media Business Pages

Name: Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences  Volumn: 22-2

[2]. Kick-off Your Future Career with Social based-Business Start-up: An Empirical Study on Business Graduates’ Behavioral Intention

Name: BUFT Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE)  Volumn: 3

[3]. Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction of Online Taxi Services in Dhaka City

Name: BUFT Journal of Business & Economics (BJBE)  Volumn: 1

[4]. Deceptive advertising and purchase behavior of university students: a study on skin-care products in Bangladesh

Name: Global Journal of Management and Business Research  Volumn: 17-2

[5]. Analyzing Website Characteristics that Influences Consumer Buying Behavior

Name: Global Journal of Management and Business Research  Volumn: 17-E3

