Maisha Sadaf
Lecturer, BUFT
Maisha Sadaf has been working at BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology since September 2023. She is currently a Lecturer at BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology. She is a dedicated academic professional, specializing in Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching. Maisha completed her thesis at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels with a GPA of 4.00 out of 4.00 at both levels from the English and Humanities Department, BRAC University. There is a quote that, " Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes". Like this quote, Maisha is also a constant learner. Before joining BUFT, she did various courses and attended workshops to develop her research and English language skills. She attended webinar on "Designing Communicative Writing Tasks" from British Council in 2023. Moreover, she participated in different workshops on Dissertation writing at Asiatic Society, Bangladesh. Additionally, she completed a training course on “Research Techniques in Social Sciences-2023”, Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka in 2023. Besides doing courses and workshops, Maisha also wrote a newspaper article in 2017 on "Experience with a new model of education" which was published in Asian Age Newspaper. In this article , Maisha shared her Residential semester experiences at BRAC University. These experiences motivated Maisha to develop her passion in teaching. Her research interests include influences of technology in ELT, classroom management, teaching methods, four language skills, sociolinguistics and literature. As for publications, she has 3 publications in reputed journals. Recently, she has been working on influences of AI-based technology in ELT.
Teaching/Research Specialization