Md. Rezaul Karim

Lecturer, BUFT


Mr. Md. Rezaul Karim obtained his BA Honours in 2017 in English Language and Literature from Gopalganj Science and Technology Universty, Gopalganj, Bangladesh (previously Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University, Gopalganj) Bangladesh and his MA in English Literature and Cultural Studies from the same university in 2018. He is currently working as a Lecturer at the Department of English, BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has authored four journal articles. One of his recent publications is "Capitalism, War and Religion: A Marxist Study of Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children" in NUB Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities in 2024

His current research papers which are in progress include:

 1. “Tennyson’s 'Ulysses': A Contrapuntal Colonial Reading” (Under review in Scopus indexed journal)

2. The Legacy of Agbala: Fear and Masculinity from Things Fall Apart to the 21st Century” (Under review in Scopus indexed journal)


§    1. Dean’s Award for Scholastic Excellence ( awarded by the university  for recognition of outstanding academic achievement for the First position in B.A Honours on January 1, 2019 )

2. Best Paper Award/Certificate (awarded by the authority of IMPACT Journal for the contribution of literary research in 2020)  

ORCID: 0000-0002-9221-9733 

Teaching/Research Specialization

 The areas of his specialization or interest include: 

1. Decoloniality of English Liteary Writings
2. Postcolonial literature
3. Shakespeare 
4. Modern literature
5. Marxism
6. Feminism
7. Gender Studies 


[1]. Rabbi, Md. Fazle, Ashik Istiak and Md. Rezaul Karim, (2024). “Capitalism, War and Religion: A Marxist Study of Bertolt Brecht’s Mother Courage and Her Children”

Name: NUB Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities  Volumn: Vol. 5, Issue 1

[2]. Istiak Ashik and Md. Rezaul Karim, (2020). “Identity and Alterity in The Merchant of Venice and in The Tempest: A Comparison”

Name: Green University Review of Social Science  Volumn: Vol. 6, Issue 2

[3]. 3. Karim, Md. Rezaul, (2019). “Male Subjugation and Female Submissiveness in Syed Waliullah’s Tree Without Roots: A Feminist Reading”

Name: Praxis: Journal of the Department of English, Rajshahi University  Volumn: Vol. 10, Issue 2018-19

[4]. 4. Karim, Md. Rezaul, (2019). “Spiritual Barrenness, War, and Alienation: Reading Eliot’s The Waste Land”

Name: IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature  Volumn: Vol. 7, Issue 6

