Mohammad Mizanur Rahman

Assistant Professor, BUFT


A Short Biography of Mohammad Mizanur Rahman

Mr. Mohammad Mizanur Rahman is working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Knitwear Engineering (KE), BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology (BUFT). He has been working in research and higher education for the last ten years. Mr. Rahman has been conducting various courses in the undergraduate program since his joining at BUFT in 2014. He has also been supervising a good number of project works of final year students at the undergraduate level and Masters Level. 

In 2019, Mr. Rahman was awarded MPhil degree for his contribution in the area of intangible assets under the Faculty of Center for Higher Studies and Research (CHSR) from Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP). His research title was “The Effects of Intangible Assets on Firm Performance: An Empirical Investigation on Manufacturing Industry in DSE”.  He also completed his Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the same university. In 2014, he obtained B.Sc. degree, B.Sc. (Engg.) in Textile Engineering, from Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University (MBSTU).

His current research interests are in the area of Financial Engineering (portfolio optimization, financial modeling, utility maximization, firm performance, pricing of financial assets, and dynamic programming) and Practices of Intangible Assets (R&D, intellectual capital). His research interests also include the mathematical model development of intangible assets and firm performance. He has published five (8) peer-reviewed research papers and attended two (2) international conferences. His research has been published in esteem journals such as American Journal of Business, Business & Entrepreneurship Journal, Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, Society & Change: Journal of Social Sciences, Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT, and European Scientific Journal. He loves to conduct research and disseminate the knowledge in his area of interests.

Teaching/Research Specialization

1. Financial Engineering

2. Fabric Manufacturing Engineering


[1]. Linking Intellectual Capital to Firm Performance

Name: BUP Journal  Volumn: 7 (2)

[2]. The Effects of Intangible Assets on Firm Performance

Name: American Journal of Business  Volumn: 34 (3/4)

[3]. The Impact of IT Investment on Firm Performance in Bangladesh: A Resource-Based Perspective

Name: International Journal on Global Business Management and Research  Volumn: 8 (2)

[4]. The Effects of Research and Development Expenditure on Firm Performance: An Examination of Pharmaceuticals Industry in Bangladesh

Name: Business & Entrepreneurship Journal  Volumn: 6(2)

[5]. Financial Performance Analysis of Scheduled Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

Name: Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance  Volumn: 4(5

[6]. Income and Food Status of Female Garment Workers in Gazipur Area, Bangladesh

Name: Society & Change: Journal of Social Sciences  Volumn: 10 (1)

[7]. Export Trend of Bangladesh: the Dominance of Ready-made Garments Industry

Name: Research Journal of Economics, Business and ICT  Volumn: 10 (1)

[8]. Optimization of Parameters of Cotton Fabric Whiteness

Name: European Scientific Journal  Volumn: 10 (36)

