Dr. Eng. Md. Hasan Ikbal
Associate Professor, BUFT
Dr. Hasan started his career in 2008 and has a hand in experience both over the industrial sector and in teaching. He joined the BUFT in 2016 as an assistant professor and is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Apparel Manufacturing & Technology (AMT). Dr. Hasan has more than 16 years of experience in the fields of teaching, industries and project management, research and development.
His research interests include smart materials, shape memory polymers, advanced light-weight composite materials, nano-composite materials, CNTs and graphene nano sheets, multi-functional composite materials, high performance textiles, finite element analysis & simulations, storage materials of different gases, recovery technology of resources, management of solid waste and wastewater, life-cycle analysis, effluent treatment, reuse of wastewater, sustainable development, sustainability in textile value chain, green manufacturing, etc.
Teaching/Research Specialization