
Our strategic plan sets five bold goals for BUFT: boosting student success, funding faculty and infrastructure, spurring interdisciplinary work, imbuing a commitment to excellence and pursuing local and global partnerships.

Goal 1: Enhance Student Success

While balancing access with quality, we must ensure that our students make timely progress toward a degree. Along the way, we must provide educational opportunities that inspire them to lead, serve, challenge, take responsibility, build problem-solving skills and engage with complex problems.

Goal 2: Invest in Faculty and Infrastructure

Our research culture permeates every aspect of this university. It structures our thought, informs our teaching and directs our engagement beyond the campus. It is the foundation on which we build an innovative learning environment that engages our faculty, undergraduates and graduate students alike. We will make significant investments in faculty and infrastructure by increasing the number of tenured and tenure-track faculty on campus, and encouraging faculty to engage in interdisciplinary work. The quality of our research determines our impact on the work force, on the economy, on the advance of knowledge and on the human condition.

Goal 3: Support Interdisciplinary Scholarship

Our history and mission call for us to address the major challenges that confront the world. Addressing complex problems with many disciplinary aspects requires assembling teams of scholars with varied skills and diverse perspectives. We will maximize the impact of BUFT's research by concentrating our research resources in areas where we have strategic strengths and by creating a culture of collaboration and interdisciplinarity that will enrich not only our research activities, but also our teaching and engagement.

Goal 4: Pursue Organizational Excellence

An excellent university is pervasively excellent. That standard applies to all our faculty and staff and to all departments, institutes, centers and units. But excellence is not a static target. Achieving it requires constant attention, self-assessment, inclusion, and the courage to change and adapt. We will reach our goals by making our campus more inclusive and welcoming, revising university policies to increase our efficiency, diversifying our financial resources and much more.

Goal 5: Engage Locally and Globally

As the world has changed, our reach has expanded beyond BUFT’s borders and across the globe, challenging us to be locally responsive to the needs of our community and our state while globally engaging the grand challenges facing our international community.